![]() Bani Sadr, in Help of Ramsey Clark, in collaboration with Mullahs Views & Comments We reserve the right to moderate comments using impolite or harsh language! Not necessarily we support content of links.
For the Children of Iran What Legacy will be left by this generation to
the future People of Iran and the Citizens of our World?
The world is watching Iran hoping for a change. It is up to the people of
Iran to describe who they are and what they desire as a change from
their current government. The description of whom Iran is to become will
challenge the citizens of Iran and the world to assist in this
transformation from Slavery to Liberty.
For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.
Iran needs hope. Hope produces a belief that something good is about to
happen. What is that something good? I challenge the Citizens of Iran. Choose able leaders from inside your country. Choose leaders for every position of government throughout the land. Let these brave people determine and describe a government and a plan. Convey this plan to the Citizens of Iran and the World. The Citizens of the World will assist you. There may be blood in the streets - this blood will wash away the stain of the current and past repression as well as speak to this Current Generation, the World and Future Generations demonstrating an uncommon heroism of a great people.
The Year 2002 will find that the Religious/Political leaders of Iran will loose face. New leaders will raise up, who will allow the full and free expressions of all ideas, and ideals throughout the Nation of Iran. Will this be long lasting? Those who love freedom are praying for you.
Dear compatriot, This page truly exposes the nefarious islamic regimes'
true nature! These acts cannot have been done by TRUE Iranians/Persians,
whoever did this shall never be called an Iranian/Persian (Nobleman). These people are barbaric, unhuman, and have no feelings what so ever!
Not worthy of being called human beings! They should be wiped off this Earth! They've taken our once GLORIOUS country back to the middle ages!
They've deprived our, my fellow, youth back in Iran, and the rest of
the population of their RIGHTS! & of a DIGNIFIED LIFE! They've brainwashed millions!
This has to end! It's time for us to awaken! Let the Land of Cyrus and Darius be LIBERATED from these bastard low-life scums! DOWN WITH THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC! & DOWN WITH THE UNHUMAN RELIGION OF ISLAM! TO HELL WITH IT! TO HELL TO THE MULLAHS AND MURDERERS/TERRORISTS THAT HAVE KILLED SO MANY INNOCENT LIVES! Visitor to the Site: K. Email: gig....@hotmail.comDeath to all ayatollahs! Love the site, hope secularity is achieved VERY soon! I would like to say that I am not an advocate of violence. I am proactive in human rights and I believe the atrocities in Iran must come to a swift hault. having said that, I must express my disgust with this website, not for it's graphic images but rather for it's miscommunication of the islamic culture. I am not a muslim but I do know that the alleged "excerpts" that were posted on this page may have come from one version of the koran, not every version. This website is an insult to every muslim. This site insinuates Islam as a sadistic religion, holding no moral obligations. If your objective is peace you are going the wrong way about it. Public awareness is imperative, propaganda is not!!!! this is the exact reason for social hostilty.
We don't need ant more of this. The truth comes out just as clear without the dripping blood at the top
of a page, next time stick to the facts.
I'm a university student in Iran, Mashhad. I'm 20 year old. I don't know were you are and why you do this. but i hate to read or here great lies.I hate those who hide the truth. many people were killed in the early days, and sure some were not so guilty to be killed; but many of them were blood thirsty generals and regime servants who killed many people in streets. you show them as they were all innocent childs! you hide the fact that no body wanted shah, and ridiculously try to say England made the revolution happen! you say Sepah made about 20 million people say yes to "jomhouri eslami"! you are all lying and changing the truth. i wanted to tell you, even if you don't hear, that many many people are yet completely loyal to the things they have obtained with great problems. they have suffered lots of problems, and some are going to get despaired,
I admit, but mostly have islam in their heart, and honor the great "imam khomeini" you try to hide this, and use our weaknesses as much as you can, and you know well how to do it! but never ever you can change our faith in Allah, and make us leave the valuable treasure we have. now
I and many others know the mistakes we have made, and we'll try to compensate. you think you're damaging us, but you build us. shall God show you our improvement, and your dissipation. think of what you're doing, between you and God whom nobody can deny, and judge yourself. a young
Persian Muslim
Comment: Your words contradicts in most part. You admit to your mistake. There are some facts about Islam and Koran that require in depth attention. Every coin has two sides. Islam is not exception, nor are other religions. This site is not in business of insulting one's belief or one's personal opinion. You are strongly suggested reading Dr. Shojaeddin Shafa's book "Tavalodi Digar" if you read Parsi, the book has been made available on the internet www.sh-shafa.com. Democracy and Freedom requires the public to understand, feel and register both sides of every human story. Over centuries only poetic side of Koran taught and/or shown to people, this site makes sure that other side of the religious coin is made available to youth and those who wish to learn. If you are wise enough, we gladly would like to post your message following reading Shafa's book.
I'm an Iranian living inside Iran. As I was researching for articles on terrorism I came across your site. I'm curious, what is your purpose and cause today beyond exposing acts of terror. As a concerned Iranian I am interested to know.
Comment: Hello, Just wanted to say hate brings hate, terror brings terror, and extremism brings extremism. (extremism) How come you don't see your fellow human citizens of world are dying in Palestine? What is their crim? (crime) Being born there? What about Iran and Iraq being under sanctions for years? Their crime? Don't like the capitalism and imperialism? (Imperialism) Iran is NOT on a tragic path but its people are! By weakening Islam by making such sites as your, you make our enemies stronger. Americans, British, Israelies, (Israelis) or others careless about Iranians and their future. They only care about themselves. If they did really care they would not have overthrown the Mosadeq (Mosadegh) government! You are mixing things up! A rapor (rapper) must be punished and sure he needs to be stoned! It is not only in Quran but also in the Bible but Christians and Jews want to overlook that. A criminal must be punished. This is how the rate of crime stay low and protects a society. Remember that I am not defending the Iranian government however I am defending Islam. Every rule of it is fair. Don't commit crime don't get punished! (Typos are original as it appeared in this visitor's e-mail, corrected items are between brackets) A Concern Iranian Visitor to the site January 23, 2003. canttellyou@irn.com -------------------- Comment: Dear Sir, I heard of human rights violations in Iran, but when I saw your homepage I can hardly believe that things like public executions are happening in Iran in the moment. Are you sure that photos like that of the young man being hanged Tuesday, Jan 2003 are not faked? How can we (group of German doctors) support you? Yours sincerely, Dr. G. Loyen Visitor to the site February 03, 2003. Dr....@gmx.de ----------- Comment:
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