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World will never forget this laughing.

When time comes those who helped criminals to kill more should face world tribunal.

Holy Crime, crime of clergy, Ecclesiastical crime,
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Execution of a Teenage Girl

On August 15th, 2004 a 16-year-old girl hung in a public square in Neka, Iran, a small industrial town by the Caspian Sea. Her death sentence carried on by the trying Judge, no family member knew about the execution, no knowledge of execution given to the girl... she has been told by the judge that this is a routing practice to scare the people of the town...

49 min - Jul 28, 2006


In this video clip, in the area of 27 Minutes, Shirin Ebadi’s remarks are interestingly shocking… please listen to her… she as “human right activist” somewhat agrees with 80 Lashes for a child at the age of Atefeh Sahali…  

Atefeh Sahali born in 1366=2526=1988, she was 16 on time of her execution in 2004.

Her body disappeared from the graveyard, it is not know where her body has been taken.

She was mentally under tremendous pressure following death of her mother in a car accident, she had been under tremendous trauma

توجه شما را به دقايق 27 اين فيلم جلب می کنيم که چگونه شيرين عبادی برنده جايزه نوبل حقوق بشر 80 ضربه شلاق را برای يک دختر زير سن مجاز می داند ...

عاطفه سهالی در سال 1366=2526=1988 دنيا آمده بود. او در زمان اعدام در سال 2004 فقط 16 سال داشت. چند بار پيش از آن در زندان به شلاق محکوم شده بود و از قرار قاضی پرونده و مرد 51 ساله ديگری چندين بار به او تجاوز کرده بودند.

او پس از مرگ مادرش در يک تصادف اتومبيل از يک بيماری عصبی و فشار روحی سختی رنج می برد و شديدا ديپرس و ناراحتی روانی داشت.
