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September Flogging in the public

بر اساس گزارش رسيده از سازمان دفاع حقوق بشر  دستگيری پيگير در شهر مهاباد همچنان ادامه دارد. شاهو حسن پور 14 ساله و برادرش هوشيار  دو تن از دستگير شدگان و زندانی شده های اخير هستند. آنهابا جرم شرکت در تظاهرات سال 2005 درمهاباد بازداشت شدند و  محکوم شدند.

هيچ يک از اين برادران اجازه نيافتند تا از سوی وکيل مستقلی در دادگاه از خود دفاع کنند. هوشيار به چهار ماه زندان و 50 ضربه شلاق محکوم شد

14 year old boy arrested, flogged and imprisoned for "demonstrating"

December 09. 2006 - According to reports from the Organization of Defense of Human Rights in Iranian Kurdistan, the recent series of arrests in the township of Mahabad continues. 14-year-old Shahou Hasanpour and his brother Houshiar are two of the most recent detainees. They were arrested and charged with taking part in the summer 2005 series of demonstrations in Mahabad.

Neither one of the brothers had the benefit of being represented by a lawyer in court. Houshiar was sentenced to 4 months in prison and 50 lashes. .

Courtesy of a href="http://www.iranpressnews.com/english/source/011268.html"> respective sources