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Hanging (Execution) November - December 2011

IRI is the winner of the most execution in less than a year months

Nine prisoners (among them one woman) were executed on Christmas Eve in Islamic Republic (Iran) according to unofficial sources

December 26, 2011 | 7 AM EST

According to reliable sources from Iran nine prisoners were executed in two different prisons in Iran, early his morning December 24.

One woman and six men executed in northwestern Iran:

According to Mukrian news agency seven prisoners were executed early this morning in the prison of Urmia (Oroumieh), northwest of Iran. Quoting Mr. Masoud Shams, the lawyer of one of the prisoners, the report said that there was one woman among those executed today (24th December 2011). Mr. Shams was not informed about the execution of his client said the report. According to the Iranian laws, the lawyer must be notified about the scheduled execution of the client 48 hours prior to the execution.

According to this report all the seven prisoners executed this morning were convicted of drug trafficking and were identified as “Yousef A.”, “Heydar D.”, “Mehdi S”, “Ghorbanali Sh.”, “Saeid M.”, “Sirus M.” and “Nahid A.” (woman).

The official Iranian sources have not confirmed these executions yet. According to reliable sources there have been several executions in the prison of Urmia which have not been confirmed by the official sources.

Two prisoners executed in northern Iran:

According to the “Human rights and democracy activists in Iran” (HRDI) two prisoners were executed in the prison of Rasht (northern Iran) early this morning. Both the prisoners were convicted of drug trafficking. One of the prisoners who was executed was identifies as “Sajjad Tal” (26), brother of “Mohammadreza Tal” who was hanged publicly in Rasht two weeks ago.

Iran Human Rights has previously warned about increased number of executions in Iran during the Christmas and new years holidays.
Courtesy of the Respected site

هشت نفر در کرمانشاه اعدام شدند

December 02, 2011 | 7 AM EST

دو نفر به جرم تجاوز به عنف و شش نفر به جرم قاچاق مواد مخدر در کرمانشاه اعدام شدند.

به گزارش خبرگزاری های ایران روز سه شنبه هشتم آذر (اول دسامبر) دو نفر به اتهام تجاوز به عنف در میدان آزادی کرمانشاه در ملا عام اعدا شدند. مجتبی ملکی، دادستان کرمانشاه در حاشیه اجرای مراسم گفت که اعدام، عاملی است برای عبرت گرفتن کسانی که دست به چنین اعمالی می زنند. او افزود: "صبح امروز نیز در زندان مرکزی کرمانشاه شش نفراز قاچاقچیان به دار کشیده شدند."

مقام های قضایی ایران با اشاره به اصلاح قانون مبارزه با مواد مخدر اعلام کرده اند که برخورد با مواد روان‌گردان از جمله شیشه همانند کراک و هرویین است و مجازات حمل، نگهداری و خرید و فروش بیش از ۳۰ گرم از این مواد اعدام خواهد بود.

مدافعان حقوق بشر اعدام در ملأ عام را روشی غیر انسانی و دور از شان انسانها می دانند.

براساس برخی از گزارش ها از مهر سال ۸۹ تا مهر سالجاری، ۶۴۰ به اعدام محکوم و ۴۸۴ نفر اعدام شدند که ۵۰ نفر از آنها در ملا عام اعدام شدند. ازموارد اتهامی اعدامیان می توان به قاچاق مواد مخدر، محاربه، قتل، حضور در اغتشاشات و تجاوز نام برد.

بر اساس گزارش سالانه سازمان دیده بان حقوق بشر، ایران پس از چین (پر جمعیت ترین کشور جهان) بیشترین تعداد اعدام را در دنیا دارد. این در حالیست که مدافعین حقوق بشر ایران می گویند تعداد واقعی اعدام ها در ایران بخصوص در مورد قاچاقچیان مواد مخدر بالاتر چیزی است که رسما اعلام می شود.
Courtesy of the Respected site

Nine prisoners, among them one woman, were executed in [[Islamic Republic]]Iran today- Three of the prisoners hanged in the public

Nov 30, 2011 | 7 AM EST

Nine prisoners were executed in two different Iranian cities this morning Tuesday 29. November, reported the official Iranian news agencies. One woman and five men were hanged in the prison of Kermanshah:

According to the staet run Fars news agency six prisoners were hanged in the prison of Kermanshah early this morning. Quoting Kermanshah’s prosecuter Mojtaba Maleki the report said: “Six prisoners, among them five men and one woman, were sentenced to death convicted of drug trafficking”. None of the prisoners were identified by name.

Two prisoners were publicly hanged in Kermanshah:

According to the official Iranian news agency IRNA, two young men identified as “H. H.” and “M. R.” were hanged in the Azadi (freedom) Square of Kermanshah this morning. The men were convicted of kidnapping and rape of five women, said the report.

Fars news agency reported that the men were 23 and 25 years old.

One prisoner was hanged publicly in Saveh:

A young man identified as “M.S.” was hanged publicly in the Khalij-e-Fars (Persian Gulf) Square of Saveh (West of Tehran) reported the state rn Iranian news agency ISNA. The execution took place this morning and the prisoner was convicted of raping a woman two years ago, according to the report.
Courtesy of the Respected site

Iran [[Islamic Republic]] hangs 11 convicted drug traffickers

Nov 24, 2011 | 7 AM EST

SHIRAZ, IRAN (BNO NEWS) — Eleven people who were previously convicted of drug trafficking were hanged in southern Iran on Thursday, state-run media reported. It is the latest in a series of mass executions in the country this year.

The drug traffickers were executed at a prison in Shiraz, the sixth most populous city of Iran and the capital of Fars province, after their appeals were rejected and their death sentences confirmed by the Supreme Court. Other details were not released.

Murder, rape and drug trafficking are among the crimes which are punishable by death in Iran. Dozens of people were executed across the country in September alone, including 22 convicted drug traffickers who were all hanged on the same day in the Tehran suburb of Karaj.

But the most controversial execution took place on September 21 when 17-year-old Alireza Molla Soltani was executed after stabbing a popular athlete to death in mid-July. The teenager argued he stabbed the athlete in self-defense but a court still ordered he be executed in breach of international law which forbids executing anyone below the age of 18.

According to Amnesty International, the Iranian government acknowledged that at least 252 people were executed in Iran last year, but Amnesty’s reports indicate the actual figure is more than 550. Among those executed were five women and one adult who allegedly committed his crime when he was underage.

According to human rights groups, trials in Iran do often not meet international standards of fairness. Proceedings, particularly those held outside Tehran, are often summary, lasting only a few minutes. Mass trials also take place on some occasions.

In October 2010, Iran’s Interior Minister stated that the campaign against drug trafficking was being intensified and the Prosecutor General stated in the same month that new measures had been taken to speed up the judicial processing of drug trafficking cases, including by referring all such cases to his office, thereby denying them a right to appeal to a higher tribunal as is required under international law.

Two months later, the amended Anti-Narcotics Law came into force, apparently making it easier to sentence to death those convicted of drug trafficking, according to Amnesty International. The law also extended the scope of the death penalty to include additional categories of illegal drugs such as crystal meth, possession of which became punishable by death.

Family members of executed persons also faced persecution in some cases last year and were often not given the bodies of their relatives for burial. Others said that they had to pay officials in order to receive their relatives’ bodies as payment for the rope used to hang them.
Courtesy of the Respected site

Five people were executed in Iran [[Islamic Republic]]

November 13, 2011 |7 Am EST

Five people were hanged in two different Iranian prisons reported the Iranian state media. five peopl
According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars, two prisoners were hanged in the prison of Qom (south of Tehran) yesterday morning November 11. The prisoners were identified as “J. S.” (67 years old) convicted of carrying 13 kilos and 70 grams of crack, and “M. T.” (32 years old) convicted of keeping and carrying 4965 grams of crack, said the report. The executions took place yesterday November 11 in the Qom prison.

Fars news agency reported that three prisoners were lashed 60 times and then hanged in the prison of Qazvin (west of Tehran) early this morning. According to the report three men identified as “S. D.” convicted of kidnapping, rape and participation in robbery sentenced to execution, 15 years in prison and 60 lashes; “A. Sh.” convicted of kidnapping, rape and intentional assaults sentenced to execution, 60 lashes and 13 years in prison; and “S. A.” convicted of kidnapping, participation in robbery and rape sentenced to 15 years in prison, 60 lashes and execution. The prisoners were 30, 23 and 30 years old respectively.

A fourth prisoner identified as “M. D.” sentenced to 13 years in prison and 74 lashes convicted of kidnapping and immoral relationship.

Courtesy of the Respected site