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Hanging (Execution) October - November - December 2012

IRI is the winner of the most execution in less than a year months

This site (holycrime.com) does not in any form support the mentality of minorities, separatists, or ethnic cleansing meddling that may cause separation of any section of Iran. This site believe in one Nation and one Land, Iranians and Iran period.

اعدام ۵ نفر در یاسوج به اتهام تجاوز

18:52 گرينويچ - پنج شنبه 27 دسامبر 2012 - 07 دی 1391

به گزارش خبرگزاری‌های ایران صبح امروز، پنج‌شنبه هفتم دیماه، ۵ نفر در یاسوج به اتهام تجاوز اعدام شدند.

گفته می‌شود که این افراد در سال ١٣٨٩ دست به آدم‌ربایی و تجاوز زده‌اند. سالانه در ایران نزدیک به هزار مورد پرونده تجاوز ثبت می‌شود.

اعدام این افراد در ملاء عام و در پارک مهرورزی یاسوج صورت گرفته است.

در ایران اجرای مجازات در ملاءعام در برخی مواردی که پرونده‌ای جنجال‌برانگیز می‌شود و توجه افکار عمومی را جلب می‌کند سابقه داشته است.

ایران از نظر شمار اعدام پس از چین دومین کشور جهان محسوب می‌شود. فعالان حقوق بشر خواهان لغو مجازات اعدام و یا دست کم محدود شدن صدور و اجرای احکام اعدام در ایران هستند.
Courtesy of the Respected site

پنج نفر در ياسوج اعدام شدند

VOA - December 27, 2012 12:39AM

خبرگزاری مهر گزارش داده که پنج نفر متهم به تجاوز به عنف، صبح روز پنجشنبه در ملاء عام در ياسوج اعدام شدند.

به گزارش اين خبرگزاری، اعدام اين پنج نفر با حضور هزاران نفر در شهر ياسوج انجام شد. اين پنج نفر در سال ۸۹ اقدام به آدم‌ربايی و تجاوز به عنف کرده بودند.

اتحاديه اروپا، در اوايل بهار امسال، از افزايش نگران کنندهٔ اعدام‌ها در ايران انتقاد کرده و از ايران خواسته بود اجرای مجازات اعدام را به‌ حال تعليق درآورد.
Courtesy of the Respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs six drug smugglers, rapist: report

AFP - December 21, 2012 12:39AM

The Islamic state -IRAN has hanged seven men, six of them for drug trafficking and another for rape, in prison in the central province of Isfahan, Kayhan newspaper reported.

The seven, aged 25 to 45, were executed on Wednesday, the province's public prosecutor, Mohammad Reza Habibi, said in the report.

"One of the smugglers was charged with armed trafficking of more than 300 kilograms of opium," Mr Habibi said.

"The others were in possession of crack and heroin (weighing) between one and 65 kilograms."

The Islamic state, where murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are punishable by death, has one of the highest annual number of executions in the world, alongside China, Saudi Arabia and the US.

Amnesty International has condemned the executions, but Tehran says the death penalty is essential to maintain law and order and that is is enforced only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.
Courtesy of the Respected site

24 Executions in 4 Days: Executions to Scare off the Dissatisfied Iranians

2012-11-16 17:30 EST

After a lull in the number of executions announced by the official Iranian media in the month of Ramazan and during the Non-Aligned Summit conference in Tehran earlier this year, the country's judiciary has returned to its practice of high rate executions. During last week alone, 27 individuals were officially announced to have been executed while unofficial figures say as many as 47 were executed. A significant number of these hangings were carried out in public prompting human rights activists to argue that the regime's need to create fear among the populace has increased.
Mahmoud Amiri Moghadam, the spokesperson for the Iran Human Rights Organization which has been cataloging the executions in Iran told Rooz, "It appears that more executions are on the way. Normally, these numbers rise towards the end of the Christian calendar, particularly the number of executions that are carried out in public."

Executions: A tool to Create Fear

According to the official Vahed Markazi Khabar (Central News Unit belonging to the state) of Isfahan a prisoner whose identity was not revealed was hanged last Sunday at Isfahan's central prison. As reported by Tabian News which quoted the public relations office of the Isfahan judiciary, this person had been sentenced to death for the possession of 64 kilograms of crack.

Three days earlier, on November 8th, two hangings were carried out in Shiraz's Adelabad prison while 5 individuals publicly executed in the streets of the city, all of them on drug related charges.

On November 7th, Khorasan province officials and official news media quoted Gholam-Ali Sadeghi, the general and revolutionary public prosecutor of Mashhad that a prisoner had been hanged in Mashhad's Vakilabad prison for drug trafficking offenses.

According to official news sources on November 7th, 11 prisoners were executed in prisons around Tehran while another 4 were publicly hanged in Shiraz. At the same time, the official website of Fars province also announced the execution of 4 individuals in the Koozegari field of Shiraz.

Putting these figures together raises the total number of executions carried out around Iran to stand at 24, as announced by official Islamic republic news sources, all on drug related charges. Nine of these executions took place in public.

Mahmoud Amiri Moghadam, the spokesperson for the human rights organization says the number of public executions and hangings this year compares to those of last year. In 2011, at least 65 people were executed or hanged in Iran, 59 of which were announced by the official media. This figure is three times the number of execution carried out in 2010, which stood at only 19 that were carried out in public. In 2009 only 9 executions were carried out in public in Iran.

According to official figures 48 cases of public hangings have been carried out in Iran since the beginning of January.

Moghadam contends that public hangings are the principal method of the Islamic republic to create fear in the country and that "As the domestic and foreign crises of the regime, along with public discontent expand, so does the regime's need to instill fear in the hearts of the people. One should recall that the greatest threat to the regime in Tehran is public discontent."

Public executions and hangings are a peculiarity of Iran and a few other countries that differentiate executions that are carried out in other parts of the world.

47 Cases of Executions Not Announced

Because the real numbers of executions in Iran are never published by official media or government sources, it is not easy to know of the exact number of such cases that are carried out. Moghadam says, "We regularly receive reports of secret executions which we cannot announce because of our inability to independently verify them. But such cases will be included in our annual report after verification.

Because Islamic Republic (Iran) is considered to be among countries with the highest use of illegal drugs, a large number of individuals who are involved in the drug trade are arrested, imprisoned and face execution.

According to public figures, more than 80 percent of the 687 people that were executed in 2011 in Iran are related to drug related charges.

The Islamic republic also tops the list in the number of its annual executions. The average number of executions in 2011 stood at more than 2 per day, putting the country only second to China, which has a far larger population. Iran also has a horrendous record in the number of inmates awaiting execution.

Courtesy of the Respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs 10 drug traffickers

2012-10-22 17:30 EST

Tehran - Iran executed 10 drug traffickers in a prison in Tehran on Monday, despite repeated calls from Amnesty International to halt such hangings.

The men sent to gallows were convicted of trafficking more than a ton of opium and a ton of methamphetamine, according to the website of the prosecutor's office in Tehran.

London-based human rights watchdog Amnesty International has repeatedly called on Iran not to execute people convicted of drug trafficking, saying the sentence is excessive.

Three-quarters of executions in Iran, of which there are several hundred per year, involve drug traffickers netted in the Islamic republic's severe anti-drug laws.

Amnesty reported on 9 October that 344 people had been executed since the beginning of the year in Iran, most of them traffickers. In 2011 it said that Iran had carried out at least 360 executions, three-quarters stemming from drug-related cases.

Iran, where murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are punishable by death, is among countries with the highest annual record of executions in the world, along with China, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

Iran's geographical location along an important transit route for narcotics destined for Europe and the Middle East makes it victim to a severe drug problem.

Around two million people, out of a population of 75 million, are drug addicts, 400 000 of them heroin users, according to official estimates.

About 3 656 deaths related to drug use were recorded during the last Iranian year (March 2011 to March 2012), according to official figures from the health ministry.

According to Amnesty, the anti-narcotics laws in Iran "do not guarantee the right to a fair trial", in particular denying the accused the possibility of appealing their sentences.

Amnesty has been asking Iran for years to withdraw drug trafficking from the list of crimes punishable by death.

Courtesy of the Respected site

ده متهم جرائم قاچاق مواد مخدر در جمهوری اسلامی (ایران) اعدام شدند

Iran, Oct. 24, 2012 - 7:40 AM EST

ده نفر به خاطر جرائم مربوط به مواد مخدر، روز دوشنبه اول آبان در ایران اعدام شدند. خبرگزاری مهر این خبر را تنها چند روز پس از آن اعلام کرد که سازمان عفو بین الملل از ایران خواست که به اعدام شهروندان پایان دهد.

اعدام های گروهی در زندان های ایران شایع است و ده مورد اعدام اخیر در تهران انجام شد. قوه قضائیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران گفته است که اعدام شدگان عضو باندهای قاچاق مواد مخدر بودند. به گفته خبرگزاری رویترز سعید صدیقی، یکی از متهمان مرتبط با جرائم مواد مخدر در میان اعدام شدگان بود.

ایران همواره بر انتقادهای سازمان ها و نهادهای مدافع حقوق بشر در کشورهای غربی چشم بسته است که شمار بالای اعدام ها در ایران را محکوم می کنند. ایران می گوید قوانین مجازات اسلامی را پیاده می کند و به این طریق به مشکل عمده مواد مخدر در جامعه پاسخ می دهد.

هفته گذشته، عفو بین الملل از سازمان های عمده حقوق بشر مقامات ایران را به لغو تمامی احکام اعدام و خروج این حکم از قوانین جزایی خود ترغیب کرد. این سازمان مستقر در لندن در بیانیه ای گفت از ماه مارس به بعد (حدود ۷ ماه گذشته) ۳۴۴ نفر در ایران اعدام شده اند.

ایران یکی از مسیرهای انتقال مواد مخدر از افغانستان به سایر نقاط جهان است. افغانستان بیش از ۹۰ درصد تریاک جهان را تولید می کند. به گفته رسانه های خبری افغانستان پس از انقلاب ۱۳۵۷ ، بیش از ۳۵۰۰ سرباز ایرانی طی درگیری با قاچاقچیان مواد مخدر کشته شده اند.

قتل، زنا، تجاوز، دزدی مسلحانه، قاچاق مواد مخدر و ارتداد از جرائمی هستند که طبق قوانین مجازات اسلامی حکم اعدام در پی دارند. قانون مجازات اسلامی پس از روی کار آمدن جمهوری اسلامی در ایران به اجرا گذاشته شده است

Courtesy of the Respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs 10 drug smugglers - report

Posted on 2012-10-22 ZAHEDAN, Iran, - 7:40 AM EST

(Reuters) - Iran hanged 10 people convicted of drug trafficking on Monday, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported, less than a week after Amnesty International urged the Islamic state to end executions.

Mass executions are regular events in Tehran, and the latest took place in a prison in the capital. The judiciary said those hanged were members of two drug smuggling gangs, Mehr said.

Iran invariably dismisses criticism from Western human rights groups over its high rate of executions, saying it is implementing Islamic law and responding to a major drugs problem.

Last week, Amnesty urged Iranian authorities to commute all death sentences and remove the penalty as a possible punishment. The London-based human rights watchdog said in a statement it believed 344 people had been executed in Iran since March.

Iran is a transit route for narcotics smuggled from neighbouring Afghanistan, which produces more than 90 percent of the world's opium. According to the country's media, more than 3,500 Iranian soldiers have been killed in clashes with drug smugglers since the 1979 Islamic revolution.

Among those executed on Monday was Saeed Sedighi, who Amnesty said "appears to have had no opportunity to appeal against his conviction and sentence".

Murder, adultery, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and apostasy - the renouncing of Islam - are all punishable by death under the Islamic judicial code that Iran adopted after the revolution.

(Editing by John Stonestreet)

Courtesy of the Respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) executes three Baluch political prisoners

Posted on 2012-10-22 ZAHEDAN, Iran, Oct. 21, 2012 - 7:40 AM EST

The Iranian fundamentalist regime has executed three Baluch political prisoners on Saturday morning in Zahedan, the capital of Iranian occupied Balochistan.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Iranian Regime executed the three youth in a blind revenge against human rights laws and humanity. The victims have been named as 25 years old Abdol Basit Rigi, Abdol Jalil Kahrazehi and Yahya Charizahi. They were charged with Moharebeh (enmity against God) and were executed in Zahedan prison, early Saturday morning.

The report further said that two activists were transferred to solitary confinement in the Intelligence Ministry two days before their execution. They were subjected to brutal torture and coerced to a televised confession.

The third Baluch political prisoner Abul Basit, a social activist and a promoter of ‘Human Rights & Democracy’, was reportedly very active on internet. He used to advocate justice, Human rights and democracy in Baluchistan. He was arrested three years ago and kept in solidarity confinement for eleven months. He was physically and mentally tortured. They also kept him in appalling conditions in prison.

Intelligence interrogators subjected Mr Rigi to brutal and inhuman torture and forced him to give televised confessions against himself.

A death sentence by a kangaroo court was passed against all three Baloch political prisoners after their forced confession.

Diaspora communities say that innocent political activist from Kurdish, Baluch and Al-Ahwazi community are executed in different prisons by Iran on regular basis but due to country’s strict grip on news agencies and media such news hardly reach to the wider world or find any space in international media.

Courtesy of the Respected site

Trio executed in 2010 Iran mosque bombing

ZAHEDAN, Iran, Oct. 21, 2012 - 7:40 AM EST

ZAHEDAN, Iran, Oct. 21 (UPI) -- Iran said Sunday it executed three convicted terrorists for their role in a deadly 2010 mosque bombing in Baluchestan province.

The trio were said to be members of the Jundullah organization bent on revenge for the execution of one of their commanders earlier in the year.

Iran's Mehr News Agency said Sunday the condemned men were hanged in the Baluchestan capital Zahedan.

The December 2010 suicide bombing killed 38 people and injured 108 others.

Courtesy of the Respected site

اعدام پنج قاچاقچی در شیراز: دو نفر در ملاء عام، سه نفر در زندان

07 October 2012, 10:47 (GMT+05:00) - BBC

پنج قاچاقچی مواد مخدر امروز یکشنبه شانزدهم مهر در شیراز اعدام شده اند که اعدام دو نفر از آنها در ملاء عام بوده است.

ذبیح الله خدائیان، رئیس کل دادگستری فارس به تلویزیون دولتی ایران گفته است که دو نفر از این قاچاقچیان به جرم حمل و نگهداری دو کیلوگرم هروئین فشرده و خرید و فروش ۲۵۷ کیلوگرم هروئین در ملاعام در محل دروازه قصابخانه شیراز اعدام شده اند.

بنا به گفته رئیس دادگستری فارس، سه نفر دیگر به جرم حمل و نگهداری و فروش ۶۴ کیلوگرم تریاک، ۲۹ کیلوگرم حشیش و دو کیلوگرم هروئین در زندان عادل آباد شیراز اعدام شدند.

دادگستری فارس اعلام کرده است که این افراد در سالهای ۸۸ تا ۹۰ دستگیر شده بودند و بعد از آنکه دادگاه حکم به اعدام آنها داد، احکام آنها پس از تأیید دادستان کل کشور و رد شدن تقاضای عفو و بخشودگی متهمان با موافقت صادق لاریجانی رئیس قوه قضاییه صبح امروز اجرا شد.

Courtesy of the Respected site