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 Hanging (Execution) September-December 2010

Islamic Republic (Iran) executes alleged Israeli spy

By Najmeh Bozorgmehr in Tehran- December 28 2010 11:10 | Last updated: 11:10

Iran has hanged a man accused of spying for Israel and another for his membership of an armed opposition group amid mounting measures to suppress links between the regime’s opponents and foreign governments.

Ali-Akbar Siadat, whose background and age were not disclosed, was charged with giving classified military information to Israel since 2004 and meeting Mossad officials in Turkey, Thailand and the Netherlands.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) Executes Man Convicted of Spying for Israel

Published: nytimes.com -December 28, 2010

TEHRAN — Iran on Tuesday executed two men, one of them said to be a member of an exiled opposition group and the other convicted of spying for Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, according to official reports.

Iran’s judiciary reported that the alleged spy, Ali-Akbar Siadat, had been hanged at Tehran’s Evin Prison after being found guilty of passing on to “Iran’s enemies” information about the country’s military capability, including the missile program operated by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

According to the charges against him, Mr. Siadat had met with Israeli agents on repeated occasions over the course of six years while traveling to destinations including Turkey, Thailand and the Netherlands. He was said to have received payments of $3,000 to $7,000 for each meeting. He was arrested in 2008, according to the official IRNA news agency.

The official list of charges on which Mr. Siadat had been convicted included “spreading corruption on earth,” “supporting the Zionist regime” and “opposing the Islamic Republic.”

Earlier this year, Mr. Siadat was among 192 detainees named by opposition Web sites as political prisoners being held by Iran’s authorities.

Iran periodically reports the arrest of Iranians accused of working for Israel’s intelligence services. In November 2008, the authorities hanged Ali Ashtari, a communications and security equipment salesman, after convicting him of passing information to Israeli agents.

A second man, Ali Saremi, was also hanged Tuesday morning, according to the judiciary statement. Mr. Saremi was executed after repeated convictions for supporting Mujahedeen Khalq, an exiled opposition group that the government has accused of masterminding terrorist attacks within Iran’s borders from bases in Europe and Iraq.

The group said in a statement after the execution that several members of his family were arrested for protesting outside Evin Prison and taken inside.

Last August, Amnesty International reported that Mr. Saremi, 62, had visited a son in Mujahedeen Khalq’s Camp Ashraf in Iraq. He had been imprisoned on political charges for a total of 23 years both under the rule of the shah and since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Amnesty said.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) executes man as Israeli spy, hangs opposition group member

By the CNN Wire Staff December 28, 2010 3:16 a.m. EST

(CNN) -- Iran has hanged a man convicted of spying for Israel and also executed another man who was a member of a government opposition group, state-run media reported Tuesday.

The executions took place at Tehran's Evin Prison at dawn Tuesday.

Ali-Akbar Siadat was sentenced to death for working as a spy for Israeli intelligence. The Islamic Republic News Agency said Siadat admitted to transferring information to Israel over several years in exchange for $60,000.

He was arrested in 2008 while trying to leave Iran along with his wife, the news agency said.

A second man, Ali Saremi, was hanged for "fighting against the sacred Islamic Republic of Iran system and launching antagonist propagations," the agency reported.

He was a member of People's Mujahedeen of Iran, also known as the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization, which has opposed the Iranian government for decades. Tehran considers the group to be a terrorist outfit, as does the United States. The European Union does not.
Curtsey of the respected site

دو زندانی سیاسی، علی صارمی و علی اکبر سیادت اعدام شدند

- 2010-12-28 16:42:39 بی بی سی

روز سه شنبه، 7 دیماه (28 دسامبر)، دادستانی عمومی و انقلاب تهران با صدور اطلاعیه ای اعلام کرد که علی صارمی و علی اکبر سیادت که به اتهام "محاربه" به اعدام محکوم شده بودند، در سحرگاه روز سه شنبه در زندان اوین به دار آویخته شدند.

این اطلاعیه اتهام علی صارمی را عضویت در سازمان مجاهدین خلق ایران، و اتهام علی اکبر سیادت را ارتباط و فعالیت به نفع سرویس جاسوسی اسرائیل عنوان کرده است.

علی صارمی، 62 ساله، همچنین به فعالیت تبلیغی علیه نظام جمهوری اسلامی متهم بوده است.

به گزارش منابع خبری جمهوری اسلامی، وی برای نخستین بار در سال 1361 به اتهام هواداری از سازمان مجاهدین خلق و ارتباط با این گروه بازداشت و به سه سال حبس تعلیقی محکوم شده بود و بار دیگر، در سال 1368 به همین اتهام بازداشت شد.

علی صارمی پس از بازداشت مجدد، به دلیل هواداری از سازمان مجاهدین خلق و ارتباط با تشکیلات این سازمان محاکمه و به اتهام محاربه، به اعدام محکوم شد اما دادگاه عالی قم مجازات او را به ده سال حبس تقلیل داد.

در میان اتهامات علی صارمی، سفر به اردوگاه اشرف، محل استقرار اعضای مجاهدین خلق در عراق نیز ذکر شده است.

خبرگزاری ایرنا نوشته است که این سفر در سال 1381 صورت گرفت و آقای صارمی پس از بازگشت به ایران، به تبلیغ به نفع سازمان مجاهدین و نشر و توزیع نشریه ای به نام "سرزمین آریایی" مبادرت کرد و چند نفر را نیز به عراق اعزام داشت.

به دلیل این اقدامات، وی در سال 1384 به اتهام از سرگیری فعالیت تبلیغی علیه جمهوری اسلامی و حضور در مراسم مربوط به سازمان مجاهدین خلق، بازداشت و زندانی شد.

در عین حال، اخیرا سایت خبری یک گروه حمایت از حقوق بشر در ایران به نقل از همسر علی صارمی گزارش کرد وی و همسرش در سال 1384 برای ملاقات با پسرشان در اردوگاه اشرف، به عراق رفتند و پس از بازگشت به ایران، بازداشت شدند.

ظاهرا آقای صارمی به اتهام این ملاقات، یک سال را در زندان به سر برد و پس از آزادی، برای آخرین بار در شهریور ماه سال 1386 و به دلیل شرکت در مراسمی به مناسبت نوزدهمین سالگرد کشته شدن گروهی از زندانیان سیاسی در سال 1367، توسط ماموران وزارت اطلاعات بازداشت و زندانی شد و تا زمان اجرای حکم اعدام، زندانی بود.

سال گذشته، در حالیکه برگزاری تجمع های اعتراضی علیه نتیجه انتخابات بحث برانگیز دهمین دوره ریاست جمهوری ادامه داشت، خبرهایی از محاکمه و محکومیت علی صارمی انتشار یافت.

این حکم در دیماه سال گذشته به علی صارمی ابلاغ شد و چند روز پیش، یک سایت خبری مدافع حقوق بشر در ایران، بدون ذکر منبع خبری خود، نوشت که این محکوم به اعدام، از سلول خود در زندانی در کرج به نقطه نامعلومی انتقال یافته که دلیل آن می تواند آماده شدن مقامات قضایی برای اجرای حکم اعدام باشد.

مقامات قضایی ایران گفته اند که جلسه رسیدگی به اتهامات علی صارمی با حضور نماینده دادستان و وکیل مدافع وی برگزار شد و شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب اسلامی تهران، نامبرده را به اعدام محکوم کرد که این حکم، پس از تایید در مراجع استیناف، قطعیت یافت.

ریاست شعبه 15 دادگاه انقلاب تهران بر عهده قاضی ابوالقاسم صلواتی است که رسیدگی به پرونده شماری از معترضان به نتیجه انتخابات دهمین دوره ریاست جمهوری و همچنین قضاوت در محاکمات تلویزیونی تعدادی از شخصیت های اصلاح طلب را در سال گذشته برعهده داشته است.

علی اکبر سیادت

اتهام علی اکبر سیادت، زندانی دیگری که روز سه شنبه اعدام شد، ارتباط با سرویس اطلاعاتی اسرائیل عنوان شده است. زندان اوین

احکام اعدام علی اکبر سیادت و علی صارمی در زندان اوین به اجرا گذاشته شد

در گزارش مربوط به اتهامات وی آمده است که علی اکبر سیادت از سال 1383 با سرویس اطلاعاتی اسرائیل ارتباط برقرار کرده و حاضر شده بود در برابر دریافت شصت هزار دلار، اطلاعات طبقه بندی شده را در اختیار آن سازمان قرار دهد.

براساس این گزارش، علی اکبر سیادت در مهرماه سال 1387، هنگامی که همراه همسرش در نظر داشت از کشور "فرار کند" دستگیر و ارتباط وی از طریق تلفن اعتباری با سرویس اطلاعاتی اسرائیل معلوم شد.

هنگام بازداشت، آقای سیادت "اقرار می کند" که در جریان سفرهای تجاری به خارج، با سفارت اسرائیل ارتباط یافته و اطلاعاتی را در مورد یکی از واحدهای نظامی در اختیار "دشمنان" قرار داده بود، هر چند ماهیت این اطلاعات و نحوه دسترسی فرد متهم به آنها مشخص نشده است.

اطلاعات دیگری هم، که به گفته منابع جمهوری اسلامی، از طریق علی اکبر سیادت در اختیار سرویس اطلاعاتی اسرائیل قرار گرفت به مراسم رژه نظامی روز ارتش، انجام مانورها، تعداد هواپیماهای عملیاتی ایران، پروازهای عملیاتی و آموزشی در پایگاه های نظامی، سوانح هوایی و علت بروز آنها، سیستم هواپیماهای مختلف و موشک های سپاه ارتباط داشته است.

در این موارد نیز، منابع قضایی مشخص نکرده اند که آیا این اطلاعات از منابع اطلاع رسانی همگانی برای عموم قابل دسترس بوده و یا اینکه جنبه محرمانه داشته و در چنین صورتی، به چه ترتیب در اختیار علی اکبر سیادت قرار می گرفته است.

به گفته منابع قضایی، آقای سیادت اقرار کرده بود که برای همین قبیل اطلاعات، در هر ملاقات بین سه تا هفت هزار دلار حق الزحمه دریافت می کرده و هنگام بازداشت هم بیست و نه صفحه اطلاعات جاسازی شده از او به دست آمد.

در مورد تاریخ و نحوه برگزاری محاکمه علی اکبر سیادت جزئیاتی انتشار نیافته اما به گفته منابع قضایی جمهوری اسلامی، وی در شعبه دهم دادگاه انقلاب محاکمه و به اتهام اقدام در تقویت رژیم اسرائیل، مقابله با جمهوری اسلامی و فساد در ارض به اعدام محکوم شد و این حکم به تایید دادگاه استیناف رسید.

روز یکشنبه این هفته، عباس جعفری دولت آبادی، دادستان تهران، گفت که یک نفر به جرم جاسوسی برای اسرائیل به اعدام محکوم شده اما هویت او را فاش نکرد و معلوم نیست که آیا منظور وی از این محکوم به اعدام، علی اکبر سیادت بوده یا شخص دیگری را در نظر داشته است.

تاریخ دقیق برگزاری محاکمات این دو نفر معلوم نیست، اما گفته شده است که این محاکمات در سال گذشته برگزار شده و با تجمع های اعتراضی و آغاز برخورد قضایی با معترضان به نتایج انتخابات ریاست جمهوری در سال گذشته همزمان بوده است.

سال گذشته، برخی از مخالفان دولت ایران تشکیلات امنیتی و قضایی جمهوری اسلامی را متهم کردند که در نظر دارند با طرح پرونده های قضایی حاوی اتهاماتی که می تواند منجر به صدور احکام اعدام شود، به معترضان هشدار دهند.

در همانحال، نوع اتهامات علی صارمی و علی اکبر سیادت به گونه ای بوده است که برخی شخصیت ها و گروه های شناخته شده مخالف دولت به سادگی امکان همدردی با محکومان را نداشته اند هر چند نحوه برگزاری محاکمه بازداشتیان سیاسی به طور کلی مورد انتقاد مخالفان قرار بوده است.

خبر اعدام های روز سه شنبه دو روز پس از آن انتشار می یابد که مقامات قضایی جمهوری اسلامی اجرای حکم اعدام حبیب الله لطیفی، دانشجوی کرد ایرانی را متوقف کردند.
قرار بود این دانشجوی کرد روز یکشنبه به جرم "محاربه" اعدام شود اما این حکم با انتقاد شدید نهادهای مدافع حقوق بشر در داخل و خارج و اعتراضات گسترده به خصوص در مناطق کردنشین ایران مواجه شده بود..
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs man linked to dissident PMOI

English.news.cn - 2010-12-28 16:42:39

TEHRAN, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- Iran executed a member of the dissident political party of the People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI) on Tuesday morning, local satellite Press TV reported.

Ali Saremi, a member of the PMOI, was accused of being a Mohareb (an enemy of God) and spreading propaganda against the Islamic Republic, the report said.

He was arrested in 2007 on charges of persistently engaging in activities against the Islamic Republic, engaging in activities in support of the PMOI as well as dispatching reports of the party, according to Press TV.

Iranian security agents had seized a number of CDs, films, photos and hand-written documents of PMOI from Saremi's house, said the report.

PMOI is a religious leftist organization that advocates the overthrow of the Islamic Republic.

The United States has designated the PMOI a terrorist organization.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs rapist, three drug traffickers: Report

AFP, Dec 26, 2010, 01.40pm IST

TEHRAN: Iran has hanged a convicted rapist and three men found guilty of drug trafficking in the southwestern city of Ahvaz, hardline Kayhan newspaper reported today.

Kayhan identified the convicted rapist only as Gh.F and said he was found guilty of "acting against virtue" -- the charge brought against rapists in the Islamic republic.

The three drug traffickers were also identified only by their initials -- AA, HM and JJ.

The four were executed yesterday in the prison of Ahvaz, the newspaper said citing the provincial judiciary.

The latest hangings bring the number of executions in Iran to at least 167 so far this year, according to an AFP count based on media reports. At least 270 people were executed in 2009.

Along with China, Saudi Arabia and the United States, Iran has one of the highest numbers of executions each year.

The Islamic republic says the death penalty is essential to maintain law and order and is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.

Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are all punishable by death in Islamic Republic (Iran).

Read more: here
and Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) executes 11 linked to Sunni rebel group

guardian.co.uk, Monday 20 December 2010 13.54 GMT

Dawn hangings after Jundollah rebels claim responsibility for bombing of shia mosque The aftermath of the attack on the mosque in Chabahr. Eleven people linked to the group that claimed responsibility have been executed by Iran. Photograph: Reuters TV/Reuters

Iran has executed 11 people linked to a Sunni rebel group that claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing of a Shia mosque, it has emerged.

The 11 were hanged at dawn on Monday in Zahedan, the capital of Sistan-Baluchistan province, eastern Iran. Zahedan is where Jundollah, said to be based in Pakistan, has carried out a series of attacks in recent years.

"These corrupt and Mohareb [an enemy of God] elements have been identified and arrested by security and intelligence forces," Ebrahim Hamidi, the head of the provincial justice department, said.

The Irna news agency quoted him as saying: "The sentence was carried out after receiving confirmation from the country's senior judicial bodies." It was not clear whether those hanged were directly linked to the bombings.

Senior officers in the Iranian military and Revolutionary Guard also urged Pakistan to tighten border controls, warning of unilateral action if it did not, Fars news agency reported.

"If Pakistan fails to control and prevent terrorist measures at its borders ... we will make use of our legitimate rights," the armed forces chief of staff, General Hassan Firouzabadi, said.

Relatives of some of the 39 people killed in last week's mosque bombing, in the port city of Chabahar, have also asked Pakistan to crack down on the group.

The Chabahar attack happened during a religious ceremony on the eve of Ashoura, Iran's biggest Shia religious holiday. Security officials said there was evidence the bombers were "supported by regional intelligence services".

Jundollah has a long history of targeting civilians. Often said by Tehran to be secretly backed by the US, Britain or Israel, it has reportedly used bases in Pakistan to mount operations in Sistan-Baluchistan, which has an ethnic Baluchi Sunni majority.

The US and Britain both consider it to be a terrorist organisation.

Jundollah's last big bomb attack was on a Zahedan mosque in July, on another Shia religious holiday. The bombing, described as retaliation for the execution of the group's captured leader, Abdolmalek Rigi, killed 28 people, including members of the Revolutionary Guard.

Iran's security forces apparently believed they had struck a knockout blow against Jundollah when Rigi was captured in a dramatic operation while on a flight from Dubai to Kyrgyzstan in February.

Iranian planes forced the aircraft he was on to land in Iran. He was hanged in June, and his brother was also executed on charges of terrorism.

Tehran says Jundollah has links to al-Qaida and has a separatist agenda. The group – which is thought to have no more than 100 core members – has claimed to be fighting for equal rights in the overwhelmingly Shia Islamic republic.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs woman serial killer: reports

Dec 20, 2010 8:34 AM | By Sapa-AFP 9:03 AM EST

Iran has hanged a woman serial killer, convicted of murdering five middle-aged women, in a prison in the central city of Qazvin. Current Font Size:

The official IRNA news agency identified the woman sent to the gallows as Mahin Qadiri, whom it said went on a killing spree between February 2008 and May 2009.

It said, without giving further details, that Qadiri murdered her victims by rendering them unconscious and then strangling them.

The hanging brings the number of executions in Iran to at least 151 so far this year, according to an AFP count based on media reports. At least 270 people were executed in 2009.

Along with China, Saudi Arabia and the United States, Iran has one of the highest numbers of executions each year.

The Islamic republic says the death penalty is essential to maintain law and order and is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.

Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are all punishable by death in Iran.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs 11 Sunnis convicted of attacks

Network News - The Associated Press Monday, December 20, 2010; 6:10 AM

TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran hanged 11 men authorities said were members of an armed Sunni militant group convicted of bombings, the official IRNA news agency reported.

The executions on Monday were seen as retribution against the group, Jundallah, for an attack last week on Shiite worshippers that killed 39 people in the southeastern port city of Chahbahar. Jundallah, which means Soldiers of God, claimed responsibility for the attack.

"Eleven members of the terrorist group and mercenaries who had a role in terrorist activities, fighting police and killing innocent people were hanged," said Ebrahim Hamidi, head of the Justice Department of the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchistan, where Jundallah is active. The executions took place at dawn in Zahedan, the provincial capital of Sistan-Baluchistan.

The IRNA report identified all 11 men hanged by their full names. All their family names indicated they were members of the Sunni ethnic Baluchi minority in Shiite-dominated Iran.

Jundallah has been waging an insurgency for years in remote Sistan-Baluchistan, a lawless area bordering Pakistan where smuggling and banditry are rife. The groups says it is fighting for the rights of the Baluchi minority, which it says suffers discrimination at the hands of Iran's Shiite's leadership. Iran has accused the group of links to al-Qaida, but experts say no evidence of such a link has been found.

The United States designated Jundallah a terrorist organization earlier this year.

Hamidi says all 11 men were convicted in a fair and open trial. He accused them of involvement in attacks over the past years that killed 15 policemen and 12 members of the Revolutionary Guards - Iran's most powerful military force. The were also accused of supplying arms and refuge to terrorists, armed kidnapping and arms smuggling.

Jundallah has claimed responsibility for a series of deadly attacks on the military and civilians in eastern Iran over the past years.

The group said the attack last week on Shiite worshippers observing a solemn day of mourning was to avenge the hanging of its leader, Abdulmalik Rigi, earlier this year.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) executes 11 Jundullah Sunni fighters

RFI - Monday 20 December 2010 - Latest update : Monday 20 December 2010 8:03 AM EST

Iran has executed 11 members of the Jundullah Sunni-Muslim armed group, which claimed responsibility for last week’s attack on a Shia mosque which killed 39 people. Iran accuses Washington of backing the movement, a claim backed up  by US media reports.

Some of the hanged men were involved in two mosque bombings in the south-eastern city in Zahedan and attacks on revolutionary guards, according to local justice officials.

They were found guilty of "corruption on earth, fighting against God and the Prophet Mohammad and countering the sacred system of the Islamic Republic of Iran" and hanged in the jail in Zahedan, the capital of the eastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan.

Jundullah claimed responsibility for the 15 December attack in the south-eastern town of Chabahar, the most deadly attack on a Shia mosque in Iran since 1994, saying that it was revenge for the execution of its leader, Abdolmalek Rigi, in June.

The group has carried out numerous attacks over the past 10 years in Sistan-Baluchestan, which is on the border with Pakistan and Afghanistan and has a large Sunni minority.

Before his death Rigi confessed to links with the US, according to prosecutors. Tehran has often accused Washington of backing Jundullah, along with Pakistani intelligence, a claim which investigative journalist Seymour Hersh and have backed up.

The US condemned the Chahabar attack and added Jundullah to its list of foreign terrorist organisations last month.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) Hangs Four Convicted Drug Traffickers

AFP - Sunday, 05 Dec 2010, 11:38 AM EST

(NewsCore) - Iran hanged four men in the central city of Isfahan after they were found guilty of drug trafficking, several newspapers reported Sunday.

Abdollah N., Zarif D., Bakhtiar S. and Masoud Q. were executed Saturday in Isfahan central prison, Arman newspaper said, citing the provincial judiciary.

The latest hangings brought the number of executions in Iran to at least 150 so far this year, according to an AFP count based on media reports. At least 270 people were executed in 2009.

Along with China, Saudi Arabia and the US, Iran has one of the highest numbers of executions each year.

The Islamic republic claims the death penalty is essential to maintaining law and order and is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.

Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are all punishable by death in Iran.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) football star's wife hanged after eight-year campaign to save her life

By Richard Spencer, The Telegraph, Middle East Correspondent 4:13PM GMT 01 Dec 2010

Iran on Wednesday hanged the "temporary wife" of one of its leading football stars despite an eight-year campaign to save her life.
Shahla JahedShahla Jahed was executed at dawn at Evin Prison in the capital Tehran still protesting her innocence of the murder of Laleh Saharkhizan, the first wife of Nasser Mohammad Khani, a national team striker from the 1980s.

State media said Mr Khani attended the execution. Before it took place, the condemned woman was said to have prayed in public, then burst into tears and made a final plea to be spared.

The brother of the murdered woman carried out the final act by pulling the chair on which she was standing away from under her.

Her family had refused last-minute pleas at the entrance of the jail from both judicial officials and a campaign group of artists and activists to commute the sentence.

Miss Jahed's case was held up by human rights groups, including Amnesty International, as an example of flaws in the Iranian judicial system.

The main evidence against her was a confession which she retracted immediately she was brought to court, and Iranian judicial experts also questioned the strength of the conviction.

Mr Khani himself was in Germany with Persepolis, Tehran's leading football team which he was then managing, at the time of the stabbing in 2002.

He said in an interview beforehand that he supported the execution.

"Whatever my children and Laleh's mother say is OK with me," he was quoted as saying. "The killer of my wife should get the appropriate punishment."

Temporary or informal marriages are a common means of getting around strict Islamic codes of sexual conduct in a number of countries, including both Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs footballer's mistress Shahla Jahed

1 December 2010 Last updated at 06:08 ET

Iran has executed a woman sentenced to death for murdering the wife of a prominent footballer, her lawyer says. Shahla-Jahed

Abdolsamad Khoramshahi said Shahla Jahed, 40, was hanged at 0500 local time (0130 GMT) at Tehran's Evin prison, the official Irna news agency reported.

International human rights groups have campaigned for her release since she was jailed more than eight years ago.

The execution is the 146th in Iran this year, according to AFP news agency.

On Tuesday, Amnesty International made a last-minute appeal for the sentence to be halted, saying Jahed had not received a fair trial.

Jahed, who had been living with footballer Nasser Mohammadkhani in Tehran under a temporary marriage, was found guilty of stabbing to death his first wife, Laleh Saharkhizan, in 2002.

She first confessed to the murder, but then retracted the statement in court.

According to the Irna news agency, Jahed prayed prior to the hanging and then burst into tears and shouted for her life to be spared.

Mr Mohammadkhani, a top Iranian footballer in the late 1980s who later became coach for Tehran's Persepolis club, was present at the execution, reports said.

Jahed had spent more than eight years in Evin prison. 'Procedural flaws'

The practice of a temporary marriage, known as sigheh, is allowed under Shia Islam.

It prevented Mr Mohammadkhani from facing charges of adultery, although he was sentenced to 74 lashes for drug-taking after the court heard he had smoked opium with his mistress.

He was initially suspected of complicity in the murder and jailed for several months, but released after Jahed's confession.

Malcolm Smart, Amnesty director for the Middle East and North Africa, said there were "strong grounds to believe that Shahla Jahed did not receive a fair trial, and may have been coerced into making a 'confession' during months of detention in solitary confinement".

"She retracted that confession at her trial but the court chose to accept it as evidence against her," he added in a statement.

The verdict was overturned in 2008 after the judiciary cited "procedural flaws" but Jahed was again sentenced to death in February 2009.

Iran has attracted international criticism over the separate case of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, an Iranian woman who was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery.

After campaigns for her release around the world, her stoning sentence was suspended, although she could still be hanged for murder.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs rapist

Published: 26-11-2010 (AFP) – 8:10 AM EST

TEHRAN — Iran has hanged in prison a man convicted of raping several women in the central city of Isfahan, ISNA news agency reported on Saturday.

The man, only identified as Hossein M., was found guilty of raping several women after offering them a ride and then threatening to kill them, the report said, quoting Isfahan's judiciary.

It did not say when the hanging took place.

The latest hanging brings the number of executions in Iran to at least 145 so far this year, according to an AFP count based on media reports. At least 270 people were executed in 2009.

Iran is one of the leading countries that carry out the death penalty each year, along with China, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

The Islamic republic says the death penalty is essential to maintain public security and is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.

Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and adultery are all punishable by death in Iran.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) executes serial killer who murdered 6 women

Published: 11.13.10, 10:59 / Israel News

A serial killer, convicted of murdering six women and girls over a period of four years, was hanged on Saturday in southwestern Iran, the Fars news agency reported.

Farid Baghlani, who had justified his crimes on trial with overall hatred of women, was hanged in the city of Ahvaz, the source said. He committed the murders between 2004 and 2008 in the port city of Abadan, and the families of his victims celebrated his execution by distributing sweets. (AFP)
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) Secret mass execution of 23 prisoners

November 3rd, 2010 1:56 am ET

IRAN -- The Human Rights House of Iran Rahana reported that 23 prisoners from the Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad were secretly executed "mass execution style and without any prior notice."

According to Iran's International Campaign for Human Rights a recent wide spread secret mass execution of hundreds of prisoners charged with narcotic-related offences took place prior to the recent execution of 23 prisoners.

Of the 23, 13 were executed on October 5, and 10 were executed on October 12.

The accused, their families, and their lawyers had no prior notice of the executions that were carried out without respect for Laws of the Islamic Republic and without any prosecutorial fairness, Rahana reported.

A number of former inmates have reported of authorities obtaining confessions under torture from these prisoners.

The individuals were summoned only a few hours prior to the execution from various wards at the Vakil Abad prison and transferred to the execution hallway situated near the entrance to the prison’s visitation hall, and executed.
Curtsey of the respected site

رژيم اسلامی آخوند ها عاملين ترورها و جنايات 22 خرداد رادر زندان وکيل آباد مشهد سر به نيست کردند، تا نگويند آمرين آنها کداميک از فرماندهان نيروي انتظامي بودند!

Tuesday, نوامبر 02, 2010

يک سال قبل از انتخابات رياست جمهوري88 در تهران و برخي مراکز استان ها، نيروي انتظامي اقدام به جمع آوري تعدادي از افراد مسئله دار که بيشترآنها در ارتباط با مواد مخدر و باج گيري در محلات جنوب شهر پرونده داشتندکرد.

جمع آوري اين افراد با تبليغات گسترده توام با ارعاب و خشونت همراه بودکه به طور وسيع از طرف سيماي جمهوري سلامي پوشش داده شد. مديريت پروژه را فرماندهان نيروي انتظامي سردار رادان وسردار زارعي که هر دو از فاسد ترين افراد اين نيرو هستند و تحت نظارت فرمانده سپاه عزيزجعفري صورت گرفت. البته در اين زمينه، سردار زارعي فرمانده سابق نيروي انتظامي تهران بزرگ مهارت و تجربه اي بيشتر داشت. اگر بخاطر داشته باشيد از او در جريان يک تسويه حساب داخلي در نيروي انتظامي، در يک خانه تيمي با 6 يا 7 زن و دختر برهنه فيلم گرفته بودند. فيلمي که از او تهيه شده بود نشان ميداد که او اين دختران و زنان را برهنه کرده و وادار به نماز جمعي کرده و خود از پشت آنها را تماشا مي کرد. بعد از اين رسوائي او را از راس نيروي انتظامي تهران بزرگ برداشتند، اما به دليل همين ارتباط ها و مناسبات با اوباش و اداره کنندگان خانه هاي فساد مامور سازمان دادن طرح اوباش بگيري کردند. که اين اوباش بگيري نيز در واقع فراهم ساختن مقدمات کودتائي بود که درانتخابات 22 خرداد روي داد. شبکه بزرگي از اوباش را وي سازمان داد و براي انواع جنايات به خيابان ها فرستاد و در بازداشتگاه ها نيز همين اوباش را به جان بازداشت شدگان جوان انداخت.

باز گرديم به عقب. يعني به زمان اجراي طرح مقابله با اوباش. در جريان آن طرح، مشتي چاقوکش حرفه اي، متجاوز به عنف، جوانان کم سن و سال که در شبکه توزيع مواد مخدر و روابط جنسي بودند و عده اي زورگير محلي را دستگير کردند. نحوه دستگيري بسيار خشن بود تا اوباش روحيه خودشان را از دست داده و تسليم هر خواستي شوند که بازداشت کنندگان از آنها دارند. براي محکم کاري، چند نفري از آنها را نيز اعدام کردند تا بقيه حساب کار دستشان آمده و آماده اجراي هر دستوري شوند که به آنها ابلاغ مي شود. براي آنها که اعدام نشدند پرونده هاي قطوري درست کردند و آن را مانند شمشير داموکلس بالاي سرشان قرار دادند. بعضي از اوباش سابقه دار را هم براي سازمان دادن طرحي که براي کودتا در دست داشتند از زندان بيرون آوردند و رئيس اين اوباش کردند. از جمله "اسماعيل تيغ کش" معروف که از زندان رجائي شهر يکسال و نيم پيش از انتخابات 22 خرداد آزاد شد.

براي آنها کلاس ها مخصوص آموزشي ترتيب دادند. هفته دوم انتخابات 22 خرداد، و پس از سخنراني رهبر در نماز جمعه تهران که فرمان سرکوب معترضان را داد، اين شبکه وارد عمل شد. آنها را در اکيپ هاي چند نفره تحت سرپرستي و نظارت واحد بسيج و لباس شخصي ها به خيابان ها فرستادند و گروهي ديگر را >> مامور فاجعه آفريني در کهريزک وزيرزمين وزارت کشور کردند.>> البته با اين وعده که پس از اتمام>> ماموريت>> مي توانند حکم آزادي خود را دريافت کرده و با گرفتن مبالغي کمک مالي، يک سفر زيارتي به مشهد، حتي براي زيارت به کربلا، زندگي جديدي رابراي خود سامان بدهند.

اما مسئله به همين جا خاتمه نيافت و طرح دوم از دل طرح اول و پيش از سفر زيارتي مشهد بيرون آمد. يعني پس از نقش آفريني در سرکوب، ماموريت هاي جديدي نيز به برخي از آنها داده شد. از جمله ترور افرادي که براي ترساندن رهبران جنبش سبز و همچنين ايجاد وحشت در ميان روشنفکران و دانشگاهيان معترض بايد کشته مي شدند. بعضي از آنها بايد سر سپردگي کامل خود را با اين ترورها ثابت مي کردند. استاد مسعود عليمحمدي از اساتيد دانشگاه تهران و استاد غلامرضا سرابي از جمله اين قربانيان بودند. غلامرضا سرابي در پرونده کهريزک چند گزارش تائيدي در باره قتل هاي انجام شده صادر کرده بود. عامل ترور دکتر سرابي هم به همين ترتيب از ميان برداشته شد. همچنان که خيلي از عاملين فجايع زير زمين وزارت کشور و بازداشتگاه کهريزک از ميان برداشته شدند و نامشان در هيچ پرونده اي نيست. البته در ليست اعدامي هاي زندان وکيل آباد مشهد هست.

سرانجام، بسياري از آنها به بهانه زيارت به مشهد اعزام شدند، اما دستور دستگيري آنها در مشهد صادر شده بود و آنها را به جاي زيارت مستقيم به زندان وکيل آباد مشهد بردند. در هفته هاي اخير، جمع زيادي از آنها در همين زندان اعدام شده اند. آنها را در مشهد اعدام کردند تا انعکاسي در تهران نداشته باشد. آنها به خانواده هاي خود گفته بودند که بخشيده شده اند و اجازه گرفته اند که زندگي جديدي را بي سر و صدا در يک گوشه ديگر ايران شروع کنند. اما همه اينها يک فريب و توطئه بود و آنها را به مشهد برده و کشتند!!!.

Islamic Republic (Iran) : The Satanic Execution

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Iranian newspaper on Tuesday is reporting that a man who was found guilty of carrying out "satanic" and "immoral" acts has been hanged a man in the southwestern city of Ahvaz.

According to Quds Daily newspaper the man, only identified by his initials M.S, was executed in the city's prison on Saturday.

This brings the total number of executions in Iran to at least 137 so far this year.

An AFP acount based on media reports puts the 2009 total at, at least 270 people.

islamic republic is one of the leading countries that carry out the death penalty each year, along with China, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

According to the Islamic republic the death penalty is essential in maintaining public security and is applied only after exhaustive judicial proceedings.

They did not elaborate on what this constituted in the case of a man charged with "satanic" and "immoral" acts, nor which acts - in respect of those charges - warrent capital punishment.

Crimes that are punishable by execution include: murder, rape, kidnapping, pedophilia, armed robbery, espionage, drug trafficking and terrorism.

Iran has attracted a lot of media attention and criticism due to claims of stoning and executions carried out on minors, despite having signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which forbids executing child offenders for crimes committed under the age of 18.

However, Iranian judiciary spokesman fiercely deny that Iran executes juvenile criminals or stones people to death, describing it as "propaganda against Iranian state"
Curtsey of the respected site

قطع دست یک نفر به جرم سرقت 

قوه قضائیه(جمهوری اسلامی) ایران

دادستان مشهد با اعلام خبر قطع دست یک نفر به اتهام سرقت، گفت که در آینده نیز چنین احکامی اجرا خواهد شد

محمد ذوقی، دادستان شهر مشهد، از قطع دست یک زندانی متهم به سرقت در زندان این شهر و در مقابل چشمان تعدادی از دیگر زندانیان متهم به سرقت، خبر داد.
آقای ذوقی روز سه شنبه ۲۰ مهر ماه (۱۲ اکتبر) در یک نشست خبری در شهر مشهد در شمال شرق ایران گفت که این آخرین بار نخواهد بود که چنین حکمی اجرا می شود و در آینده نیز دست سارقانی که "شرایط سرقت مستوجب قطع ید را داشته باشند" قطع خواهد شد.

به گزارش خبرگزاری دانشجویان ایران، ایسنا، به گفته آقای ذوقی این حکم در مقابل تعدادی از زندانیانی اجرا شده است که مرتکب سرقت شده اند "تا آنها نیز عبرت بگیرند."

دادستان مشهد با اشاره به قانون مجازات اسلامی گفت: "عمل یک سارق می تواند در شرایطی از مصادیق جرم محاربه باشد که مجازات سنگین اعدام را در پی خواهد داشت."

او درباره سرقت هایی که مصداق محاربه را پیدا نکند، به قانون مجازات اسلامی و آیه ۳۸ سوره مائده قرآن اشاره کرد و گفت: "بر این اساس اصل بر قطع ید سارق است."

آقای ذوقی از اعمال سختگیری های ویژه و استقرار یک بازپرس ویژه در مجتمع قضایی شهید قدوسی مشهد برای رسیدگی به پرونده های مربوط به سرقت خبر داد و گفت: "به نیروی انتظامی هم تاکید کرده ایم که این نوع پرونده ها را به مجتمع های دیگر نفرستند.

بر اساس گفته های آقای ذوقی، فردی که دستش قطع شده است با همدستی شخص دیگری در یک مورد شبانه، از گاو صندوق مغازه ای، مقداری اسناد و مدارک و پول سرقت کرده است و در مورد دیگری با ورود به خانه ای، پس از بستن دست و پای صاحبخانه و همسرش، اقدام به سرقت وسایل و خودرو این خانواده کرده اند.

نزدیک به سه ماه پیش دادستان استان همدان در غرب ایران از قطع دست پنج نفر به اتهام سرقت خبر داده بود.

بر اساس ماده ۱۹۸ قانون مجازات اسلامی، حکم قطع دست درباره سارقی اجرا می شود که ۱۶ شرط را دارا باشد.

بر اساس این قانون، چنین سارقی باید به حد بلوغ شرعی رسیده باشد، در حال سرقت عاقل باشد، با تهدید و اجبار وادار به سرقت نشده باشد و بداند که مال غیر است و ربودن آن حرام است. همچنین در قانون آمده است که سارق، مضطر یا پدر صاحب مال نباشد، سرقت در سال قحطی صورت نگرفته باشد، سارق مال را به عنوان دزدی برداشته باشد و مال دزدی از اموال دولتی و وقف و مانند آن که مالک شخصی ندارد نباشد.

یک سال پیش تر، علی شاهرخی، رئیس کمیسیون قضایی حقوقی مجلس ایران در گفت و گو با خبرگزاری رسمی ایران، ایرنا از حذف مجازات سنگسار، ارتداد و قطع دست در لایحه جدید مجازات اسلامی که قرار بود در صحن علنی مجلس تصویب شود، خبر داده بود.

به گفته او اجرای این گونه احکام برای نظام جمهوری اسلامی تبعات منفی به دنبال داشته است.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Regime (Iran) executes drug traffickers

Iran has executed five people convicted of smuggling drugs in the central city of Isfahan, the website of state-run television IRIB reported today.

Since authorities launched a clampdown on "immoral behaviour" in 2007, police have arrested dozens of drug addicts, smugglers, rapists and murderers.

"Five people were hanged in Isfahan's central prison for trafficking drugs," IRIB reported, without giving further details on when the executions had taken place.

Iran is a key transit route for narcotics smuggled from neighbouring Afghanistan, which produces more than 90 per cent of the world's supply of opium, to the West and elsewhere.

Iran is often criticised by human rights groups who say the Islamic republic has one of the highest execution rates in the world.

Iranian media often carry out similar reports of executions every month. In July, news agencies said four men convicted of drug smuggling were put to death in Isfahan.

Murder, adultery, rape, armed robbery, drug trafficking and apostasy -- the renouncing of Islam -- are all punishable by death under Iran's Islamic law practised since the 1979 revolution.
Curtsey of the respected site

Four people executed in Islamic Regime (Iran)

October 11 2010 -- 16:31 GMT

Baku. Suleyman Farzaliyev-APA. Four people were executed in Iran’s Zanjan Province today for drug-related charges, APA reports quoting ISNA. Zanjan prosecutor’s office told that the executed, three men and a woman, were hanged today in Zanjan’s Central Prison for “drug smuggling charges”. In a report at the threshold of the World Day against Death Penalty, Amnesty International reports that Iran has issued the death penalty for at least 141 juvenile offenders. Iran holds the second highest record for number of executions and the highest record for execution of offenders under the age of 18. The report adds that over 400 people were executed in Iran in 2009 and since 2005; the number of executions has increased every year. Murder, drug smuggling, rape and enmity with God (Moharebeh) are offences that carry the death penalty in Iran.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Regime (Iran) defends execution of drug traffickers

Oct 11, 2010, 14:56 GMT

Tehran - Iran on Monday defended its executions of drug traffickers, ISNA news agency reported. Trafficking of quantities in excess of 5 kilograms of drugs are among the crimes punishable by death in Iran. According to unconfirmed reports, over 250 people were executed in 2009 and over 120 so far this year, with most of them being involved in drug trafficking. 'Of course at first we get upset watching one of our citizens being hanged but on the other hand we are happy to see a professional trafficker devastating people's lives being punished,' the spokesman of the judiciary said. 'Just imagine what huge damage someone dealing with over 2,000 kilograms of opium or over 100 kilograms of heroin could do and how many lives, especially within the youth, would be destroyed,' Gholam-Hossein Mohsen-Ejehi said. Iran is widely criticized for its harsh approach to criminals, especially drug traffickers and murderers, but a majority of Iranians, even among those critical of the establishment, approves death sentences, especially for child abusers.
Curtsey of the respected site

Three convicted drug traffickers hanged in Islamic Republic (Iran)

September 21, 2010 16:31 GMT

Tehran - Three convicted drug traffickers were hanged in central Iran, ISNA news agency reported Tuesday. The three were hanged in a prison in the central city of Yazd after their initial death sentences were confirmed by the Supreme Court, ISNA said without however clarifying the date of the execution. Murder, rape, armed robbery and drug trafficking of quantities in excess of 5 kilograms are among crimes punishable by death in Iran.
Curtsey of the respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs drug trafficker

Thursday September 16, 2010 5:15 AM EST

Iran has hanged a convicted drug trafficker in the northeastern city of Shirvan, the Fars news agency reported on Thursday. The report did not identify the person sent to gallows, neither did it say when the execution was carried out.

The latest hanging brings the number of executions in Iran to at least 109 so far this year, based on media reports. Last year, at least 270 people were hanged.

Murder, rape, armed robbery, drug-trafficking and adultery are all punishable by death in the Islamic republic.
Curtsey of the respected site