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Hanging (Execution) January, February, March 2015

IRI is the winner of the most execution in less than a year months

This site (holycrime.com) does not in any form support the mentality of minorities, separatists, or ethnic cleansing meddling that may cause separation of any section of Iran. This site believe in one Nation and one Land, Iranians and Iran period.

اعدام شش زندانی کُرد سنی در جمهوری اسلامی

مارس 04 - 2015 - 13 اسفند 2553

بنا بر گزارش های رسیده از ایران، امروز صبح شش زندانی کرد سنی مذهب، در زندان رجایی شهر کرج اعدام شدند.

این شش زندانی که حامد احمدی، کمال ملایی، جمشید دهقانی، جهانگیر دهقانی، صدیق محمدی و هادی حسینی نام دارند، به اتهامات امنیتی دستگیر شده بوند.

حبیب الله احمدی، پدر حامد احمدی، دیروز سه شنبه ۱۲ اسفند در مصاحبه با بی‌بی‌سی گفت که شخصی از "مددکاری" زندان رجایی شهر با منزل این زندانی در سنندج تماس گرفته و از اعضای خانواده احمدی خواسته است که ساعت ۴ بعد از ظهر، برای آخرین ملاقات با او در در زندان رجایی شهر کرج باشند.

عثمان ملایی برادر کمال ملایی نیز دیروز به بی‌بی‌سی گفت که حدود ساعت ۱۰ صبح از زندان رجایی شهر با خانواده این زندانی تماس گرفته شده تا قبل از ساعت ۴ بعد از ظهر، خود را برای آخرین ملاقات به زندان برسانند.

مخالفان اجرای حکم اعدام شدگان امروز، معتقدند که این مجازات، طبق ماده ۱۰ قانون مجازات اسلامی نباید به مرحله اجرای در می آمده است. طبق این ماده، 'اگر رفتاری که در گذشته جرم بوده است به موجب قانون لاحق [جاری] جرم شناخته نشود، حکم قطعی اجرا نمی‌شود و اگر در جریان اجرا باشد اجرای آن موقوف می‌شود'

حامد احمدی، کمال ملایی و جهانگیر و جمشید دهقانی، به اتهام دست داشتن در قتل ماموستا ملا محمد شیخ الاسلام، نماینده سابق کردستان در مجلس خبرگان رهبری دستگیر شدند.

این در حالی است که سازمان عفو بین‌الملل، پیشتر با صدور بیانیه‌ای در ارتباط با آنها تاکید کرده بود: "این زندانیان مدعی هستند که تاریخ دستگیری آنها دو ماه پیش از ترور شیخ‌الاسلام بوده است."

به گزارش کمپین بین‌المللی حقوق بشر، این چهار زندانی بعد‌ها از اتهام ترور ملا محمد شیخ‌الاسلام تبرئه شده و به اتهام "محاربه از طریق هواداری از احزاب کرد مخالف دولت" به اعدام محکوم شدند.

دو زندانی دیگری که امروز حکم اعدام آنها اجرا شده، صدیق محمدی و هادی حسینی هستند که در خرداد ۱۳۸۸ دستگیر شده و سپس به اتهام ارتباط با "گروه‌های سلفی" حکم اعدام دریافت کردند.

مشخص نیست که اعدام شدگان، مشخصا به اتهام ارتباط با چه گروه هایی محکوم به اعدام شده اند. مجازات با استناد به قانونی منسوخ

به گفته منابع مطلع، حداقل تعدادی از اعدام شدگان امروز، به استناد ماده ۱۸۶ قانون قدیمی مجازات اسلامی (که در سال ۱۳۹۲ تغییر کرد) محکوم شده اند. طبق این ماده، "هواداری" از گروه‌های مسلح مخالف حکومت ایران "محاربه" محسوب می‌شد و می توانست به صدور حکم اعدام بینجامد.

در پی بازنگری قانون در سال ۱۳۹۲، ماده ۱۸۶ حذف شد و به جای آن ماده ۲۷۹ به تصویب رسید که مطابق آن، "هواداری" و "عضویت" در گروه‌های مسلح مخالف حکومت، "محاربه" تلقی نمی شود.

گزارش سالانه سازمان ملل متحد در مورد وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران، که دیروز رسانه ای شد، تعداد موارد اعدام در ایران را "نگران کننده" دانسته است

مخالفان اجرای حکم اعدام شدگان امروز، معتقدند که این مجازات، طبق ماده ۱۰ قانون مجازات اسلامی نباید به مرحله اجرایی در می آمد.

طبق این ماده، "اگر رفتاری که در گذشته جرم بوده است به موجب قانون لاحق [جاری] جرم شناخته نشود، حکم قطعی اجرا نمی‌شود و اگر در جریان اجرا باشد اجرای آن موقوف می‌شود."

اعدام شش زندانی کرد در حالی صورت گرفته که نشست شورای حقوق بشر این سازمان، که از دوشنبه ۱۱ اسفند شروع به کار کرده، در حال بررسی پرونده ایران است.

گزارش سالانه سازمان ملل متحد در مورد وضعیت حقوق بشر در ایران، که دیروز رسانه ای شد، تعداد موارد اعدام در ایران را "نگران کننده" دانسته است.
Courtesy of the Respected site

Kurdistan: Islamic Regime Executes 22-Year-Old Kurdish Activist

February 23, 2015

SamanIran executed 22-year-old Kurdish activist Saman Naseem on Friday [20 February 2015], ignoring growing pressure of the international community and human rights organisations to halt the sentence. Saman was arrested at the age of 17 and remained in jail for three years on charges of being a member of a Kurdish political party and taking part in activities considered counter-revolutionary under Iranian law. Iranian officials had tortured him for 97 days to force him to confess to a crime, before sentencing him to death.

Below is an article published by RUDAW

Iran executed 22-year-old Kurdish activist Saman Naseem on Friday, ignoring international pleas to halt the sentence.

Saman’s family said they were notified by authorities the young activist had been hanged today, and ordered them not to hold a funeral.

Saman’s execution date was originally scheduled for Thursday. When it was not carried out, many believed that Iran had responded to growing pressure by human rights groups.

Saman had been in jail for the last three years on charges of being a member of a Kurdish political party, “enmity to God” and “corruption on earth,” activities that are considered counter-revolutionary under Iranian laws and punishable by death.

Saman was arrested when he was 17, and his family had been fighting for his freedom ever since.

As Iran prepared for his execution, the United Nations, European Union and human rights organizations such as Amnesty International urged Tehran to suspend the sentence.

Activists had been constantly demanding his freedom on social media.

For the past several month, Iranian authorities did not inform Saman’s family about where he was held, pending his execution.

“That the Iranian authorities are preparing to put to death a young man who’s been tortured for 97 days to ‘confess’ when he was 17 years old beggars belief,” the London–based watchdog’s deputy regional director Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui said in a statement last week.

According to Amnesty, Saman was arrested in July 2011 following a gun battle between Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the outlawed Party For Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), in the city of Sardasht.

He was sentenced to death by a Revolutionary Court in January 2012, and his death sentence was confirmed for the second time by the Supreme Court in December 2013.

“After his arrest, he was held in a Ministry of Intelligence detention center without any access to his family or a lawyer,” AI wrote in a special report on his case.

In a letter published by AI, Saman said that Iranian prison officials had tortured him for 97 days when he was a teenager to force him to “confess” to a crime, before sentencing him to death.

In the letter last week Saman said he had been kept in a tiny cell and constantly tortured, until he was forced to put his fingerprints on confession papers, admitting that he had taken up arms against the state.

“This is the reality of the criminal justice system in Iran, which makes a mockery of its own statements that it does not execute children and upholds its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child,” he said in his letter.
Courtesy of the Respected site Photo Curtesy of RUDAW

Three Prisoners Were Executed in Central Urmia Prison

February 23, 2015

Three Kurdish prisoners including Ali Afshari, Habibollah Afshari and Saman Naseem were allegedly executed by gallows.

Saman Naseem, a Kurdish prisoner, was executed in Central Urmia prison early morning on 19 Feb 2015.

“Intelligence Service officials had informed and asked us to take over personal belongings of Saman from the prison” his family said. His sentence carried out in the presence of public and Revolutionary persecutor by Intelligence Service officers according to Human Rights reports.

Saman was hanged on the gallows while all protests have had campaigned by international human rights organizations.

“Saman was hanged-out and we are providing funeral” as Rasoulpour, journalist, have inserted on his page.

Saman’s family reportedly would not tend to publish the news of the execution, because they are panicked to publish information of Saman after officials of the regime severely threatened them.

Amnesty International have had issued a statement that Saman is at risk of being tortured or secretly executed while Iranian officials had not response for his fate and whereabouts, 19 Feb 2015.

Saman Naseem had been arrested and sentenced to death on charge of “enmity against God” and “corruption on earth” because of his alleged membership of PJAK in a grossly unfair trial by the Criminal Court in Mahabad on April 2013.

He was also one of the hunger strikers in Central Urmia prison on 20 Nov 2014 to protest against non-political ward in the prison which ended after 33 days.

The other Kurdish prisoners, Ali Afshari and his brother, Habibollah, were put to death by gallows that has been confirmed by officials’ phone call with offender relatives. Officials had apparently threatened and forced to non-controversy funeral holding according to the reports.

The corpses have not delivered their families as of yet, and there is no information about time and place of the execution.

Ali along with his brother, Habibollah, were arrested by Revolutionary Guards officials on 2010 in Mahabad and Bookan County, West Azerbaijan Province of Iran. They had been convicted to death in Revolutionary Court of Mahabad on charge of Moharebeh after all persecution and torture both physically-psychologically during 75 days interrogation in the detentions of Intelligence Service.
Courtesy of the Respected site

اعدام یکی از حمله کنندگان به نیروهای پلیس در گلپایگان

January 28, 2015

حکم اعدام یکی از سه عامل حمله و قتل نیروهای پلیس ایران در گلپایگان به اجرا درآمد. دو عامل دیگر این حمله، پیشتر در درگیری با نیروهای پلیس کشته شده بودند.

خبرگزاری دولتی ایرنا چهارشنبه ۸ بهمن گزارش کرده است که حکم اعدام این فرد، پس از قطعی شدن حکم او به عنوان "محارب و مفسد فی الارض"، امروز در "محل وقوع جنایت" به اجرا در آمده است.

به گزارش رسانه های ایران، فرد اعدام شده، به همراه دو نفر مسلح دیگر، حدود یک ماه پیش در شهرستان گلپایگان استان اصفهان و در جریان یک سرقت مسلحانه به درگیری با نیروهای پلیس پرداخته بودند.

در نتیجه این درگیری مسلحانه، سه مأمور پلیس از جمله جانشین فرمانده نیروی انتظامی گلپایگان، به همراه دو رهگذر کشته شدند. همچنین، هفت مأمور پلیس نیز زخمی شدند.

از سوی دیگر، بنا به اعلام پلیس یکی از سه سارق مسلح، در جریان درگیری با پلیس کشته شده و دو نفر دیگر فرار کردند.

این در حالی بود که چند روز بعد، گزارش شد که با شناسایی محل اختفای این دو فراری در اطراف اصفهان، نیروهای پلیس یکی دیگر از آنها را کشته و سومین نفر را دستگیر کرده اند. محاکمه این فرد و آنگاه صدور، تایید و اجرای حکم اعدام وی، در عرض کمتر از یک ماه صورت گرفته است.
Courtesy of the Respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) executes 73 activists

January 24, 2015

Qamishli, Syria – Civilians Defense Association in Iran announced that the security authorities carried out death sentences against 73 detainees in their prisons last month, including the executions of 18 Kurdish political activists.

The Association said in a statement that the death penalty of the 73 prisoners took place in the period between December 20, 2014 and January 20, 2015, pointing out that the real numbers may exceed the documented ones.

Speaking to ARA News in this regard, human rights activist Abdul Majid Temir said: “The tyrannical practices of the Iranian regime and its horrible violations against basic human rights come amid an international silence.

“The international community is neglecting the sufferings of Iranian activists.”

“The criminal practices of the Iranian authorities committed against dissidents and politicians raise major concerns in entire Middle East, not only in Iran,” Temir argued.

Temir pointed out that the Shiite regime persistently interferes in the internal affairs of all neighboring countries, causing unrest.

“The Iranian authorities suppresses its people publicly, and interferes in the internal affairs of its neighbors. We’ve seen no action by the international community in this regard,” he said.

“The recent convergence between the U.S. and Iranian interests came especially after the emergence of the Islamic State group in the region showing concerns that its terrorism and brutality would spread across the region,” Temir told ARA News.

“Syria is being subjected to massacres at the hands of al-Assad regime, the major ally of Iran and Russia, and the silence of the Western powers contributes to the increased sectarian tension in the region.”

“West should bear its responsibility towards the deteriorating human rights issues in the Middle East,” he said.

According to reports, Iran is experiencing the highest execution rates in the world along with China. .

Reporting by: Dilshad Muhammad
Courtesy of the Respected site

Sixteen Hanged In Islamic Republic (Iran) This Year

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Reports say at least 16 people have been hanged in Iran since the start of this year.

Iran's Fars news agency reported on January 4 that three men convicted of rape had been hanged in the northeastern town of Torqabeh.

Fars said the three were hanged "publicly in the presence of judiciary officials from Torqabeh."

The U.S.-based Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reported on January 4 that 13 people had been executed on January 1.

HRANA said seven prisoners convicted on drug charges were hanged in the Shehab prison in the southern Kerman Province.

That same day, four women convicted on drug charges were also hanged in the Bam prison and two men in a prison in Bandar Abbas.

Sahamnews reported on January 5 that a 22-year-old member of the Basij paramilitary force was convicted on charges of attacking a woman and waging war against God in the southern Fars Province and was sentenced to death.

Based on reporting by Fars news agency, Sahamnews, and HRANA
Courtesy of the Respected site