Transcriptions, of Video CDs (VCD) received by The International Tribunal on Crimes against Humanity in Iran made available on the internet.The videos appear to have been made in the detention centre of Iran's military security agency. They consist of recordings made with interruptions, and it also appears that parts of different videos have been cut and spliced together, with interruptions between episodes concerning different prisoners.
Ayatollah Khamenehi (the supreme leader at the Islamic Republic) indicates that "Rogue Agents" within the regime's Ministry of Intelligence were acting on behalf of the CIA and Israel.
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Hanged in South of Tehran
Holy Leaders convicted..
Kurd leader shot..
Married women stoned to death..
Kurd leader shot..
Executions by hanging are carried out in Islamic Republic of ayatollahs in accordance with the Islamic "eye-for-an-eye" law of retribution, otherwise known as "qesas",