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Execution; December 2004

 حکم اعدام پسر نوجوانی به اتهام قتل يکی از دوستانش صادر شد

حکم اعدام پسر نوجوانی به اتهام قتل يکی از دوستانش صادر شد. به نوشته روزنامه همشهری محمد ت در تاريخ 26 مهرماه سال 1379 زمانی که 14 سال داشت با يکي از دوستانش درگير می شود و با ضربات چاقو او را به قتل می رساند. محمد پس از دستگيري و محاکمه به اعدام محکوم می شود. اما چون سن او کمتر از 18 سال بود، حکم اعدام او که به تاييد شعبه 27 ديوان عالي کشور هم رسيده بود، به اجرا در نمي آيد.

شش‌ محكوم‌ به‌ مرگ‌ در انتظار چوبه‌ دار

با تاييد حكم‌ قصاص‌ دو متهم‌ به‌ قتل‌ ديگر از سوي‌ شعبه‌ 27 ديوان‌عالي‌ كشور جمع‌ محكوماني‌ كه‌ قرار است‌ در اين‌ ماه‌ اعدام‌ شوند به‌ 6 نفر رسيد

Courtesy of respective sources

Iran rapist, sodomite publicly hanged
Posted Wed, 29 Dec 2004

Two Iranians convicted of rape and sodomy were hanged publicly, watched by cheering crowds, in the northeastern city of Mashad, the conservative daily Quds reported on Tuesday.

The paper identified the first man, who was hanged on Sunday, by his first name of Mohmmad Reza and said he had a history of repeated sodomy.

The second man, who was identified by his first name of Mostafa, was convicted of repeated rape and hanged on Monday.

The daily added that both public hangings drew cheering crowds.

At least 97 people have been executed in Iran this year, according to reports in Iran's main newspapers and other media monitored by AFP.

Amnesty International has reported that at least 108 executions took place in 2003 and 113 in 2002.

Murder, armed robbery, rape, sodomy, apostasy and serious drug trafficking are all punishable by death in Iran.

