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جوانی به جرم نوشيدن شراب به اعدام محکوم شد!!

پنجم فوريه 2008
ایسنا - پسر جواني که متهم است براي چهارمين بار شرب خمر کرده از سوي قضات شعبه 72 دادگاه کيفري استان تهران به اعدام محکوم شد.

اين جوان 22 ساله که محسن نام دارد پيش از اين سه بار در روزهاي سوم خرداد، هفتم تير و هفدهم مهرماه سال گذشته به جرم شرب خمر به حد محکوم شده بود. او چندي قبل پس از مصرف مشروبات الکلي در منزل، به خيابان آمد و حين ايجاد سروصدا از سوي ماموران کلانتري ابوذر بازداشت شد.

محسن پس از انتقال به دادسراي شهيد محلاتي به شرب خمر اعتراف و پزشکي قانوني نيز اين موضوع را تاييد کرد. در ادامه به خاطر سوابق متهم پرونده وي به دادگاه کيفري استان تهران فرستاده شد اما محسن روز 28 شهريورماه پيش از محاکمه طي نامه يي خطاب به قضات شعبه 72 اعلام کرد از شرب خمر توبه کرده است.

محسن روز چهارشنبه 10 بهمن ماه تحت محاکمه قرار گرفت و وکيل تسخيري او با اشاره به توبه موکلش خواستار ساقط شدن حد قتل از وي شد اما قضات دادگاه پس از انجام شور وی را مستحق اعدام دانستند. قاضي جليل جليلي دادرس شعبه 72 دادگاه کيفري استان تهران در اين باره به ايسنا گفت؛ پس از انجام شور متهم اين پرونده مستحق اعدام شناخته شد و حکمش به زودي ابلاغ مي شود. وي افزود؛ طبق ماده 179 قانون مجازات اسلامي اگر فردي دو بار مشروب بخورد و هر بار حد براي او جاري شود در دفعه سوم کشته مي شود.

Drunk Iranian gets death sentence

Reuters | Wednesday, 06 February 2008

An Iranian court has sentenced a 22-year-old man to death for violating the Islamic Republic's ban on drinking alcohol several times, a news agency said.

Under Iran's Islamic sharia law, a person who is caught drinking for a fourth time and confesses faces possible capital punishment, even though legal experts say executions for this offence are very rare.

"My client had been drinking at home for a fourth time and he made some disturbance in the street and police arrested him," his lawyer, Aziz Nokandei, told the ISNA news agency.

Nokandei said his client, identified only with his first name Mohsen, had confessed and expressed remorse. He can appeal against the verdict within 20 days under Iranian law and the head of the judiciary can also intervene.

First-time violators of Iran's strict alcohol laws face possible lashes, fines or jail.

Iran has stepped up the number of executions in the country since the authorities launched a clampdown on "immoral behaviour" in July, arresting scores of accused drug smugglers, murderers, rapists and other criminals.

European governments and Western rights groups have criticised Iran for the executions, usually carried out by hanging. Iran has dismissed the criticism and accused the West of double standards.

Last week, Iran's judiciary chief ordered a halt to public executions in Iran unless they have his approval.

While those sentenced to death would still be hanged behind prison walls, the move by Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi appeared designed to lower the public profile of Iran's increasing number of executions.

Murder, adultery, rape, armed robbery, apostasy and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Iran's sharia law, practised since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution.

Rights group Amnesty International says Iran has one of the highest rates of executions in the world.

courtesy of respective site

Adultery' sisters to be stoned to death in Iran

Telegraph | Tuesday, 05 February 2008

Two Iranian sisters convicted of adultery face being stoned to death after the supreme court upheld death sentences against them, Iranian media have reported.

The two sisters were found guilty of adultery - a capital crime in Iran - after the husband of one of the pair presented a video showing them in the company of other men while he was away.

The penal court of Teheran province had already sentenced the sisters, identified only as Zohreh, 27, and Azar, to stoning, the newspaper said.

The Etemad newspaper quoted Jabbar Solati, their lawyer, as saying that the sisters had initially been tried for "illegal relations" and had received 99 lashes. However, they were convicted of "adultery" in a second trial for the same incident.

The pair admitted they were in the video but argued there was no adultery as no scene on the video showed them engaged in a sexual act.

Courtesy of the respective site

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