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World will never forget this laughing..

When time comes those who helped criminals to kill more should face world tribunal.

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Stoning, the most horrible crime...

In September 26, 199 substantial number of Iranians and non Iranians joined the International Day of Protest Against stoning of Women In Iran at - 12:30 - 1:00 PM.

The protest was organized by the International Campaign in Defense of Women's Rights in Iran - U.S. Committee The International Federation of Iranian Immigrants and Refugees Councils The Committee for Humanitarian Assistance to Iranian Refugees (CHAIR), in front of the Interest Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran, at the Embassy of Pakistan 2209 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Washington D.C.

On 11 August 1997, Zoleykhah Kadkhoda, of the town of Bukan in western Iran, was arrested, charged with engaging in sexual relations outside marriage, and immediately sentenced to death by stoning. On the same day, Kadkhoda, age twenty, was buried from waist down and savagely stoned.

Due to mass protests by enraged local residents, the regime's mercenaries were forced to stop the stoning. Kadkhoda, severely injured on her face and body, was then taken to the hospital. The opposition of the people of Bukan resulted in the regime's insinuation that she will be given amnesty if she survives.

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    Executions by hanging are carried out in Islamic Republic of ayatollahs in accordance with the Islamic "eye-for-an-eye" law of retribution, otherwise known as "qesas".

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