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World will never forget this laughing..

When time comes those who helped criminals to kill more should face world tribunal.

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More execution In Islamic Republic!!

November 23, 2002;

Mashad- A court in Mashhad, capital city of the north-eastern province of Khorassan, has sentenced 12 members of the 'Vultures' gang to death on various charges, IRNA reported.
The Persian-language 'Afarinesh' reported that Bench 19 of Mashhad court had passed various sentences for some 50 members of the 145-strong gang, while others had been released on bail.

Afarinesh quoted the judge dealing with the case, Mohammad Qarouni, as saying that seven of the convicts on death row had appealed, adding that some 15 women who acted as "middle women" and headed brothels had received five years prison terms as well as lashes.

Qarouni added that some 50 "street women" had been arrested in connection with the gang.

The Vultures, he said, had been convicted of several charges that included setting three brothels, spread of corruption, and forging documents.

Qarouni also said some 12 AK-47 rifles, pistols as well as a large amount of ammunition had been seized from the gang.

The judge further said that gang members, who had set up a network throughout Mashhad, identified runaway girls, and induced them to join the Vultures.

Courtesy of Iran Daneshjoo/Irna

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    Executions by hanging are carried out in Islamic Republic of ayatollahs in accordance with the Islamic "eye-for-an-eye" law of retribution, otherwise known as "qesas".

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