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Execution; February 2006


حجت زمانی را در زندان به دار آويختند!

امروز چهارشنبه 26 بهمن ماه 1384 حجت زماني زنداني سياسي 31 ساله در زندان رجائي شهر كرج (گوهر دشت) به دار آويخته شد.  بيش از يك هفته از انتقال حجت زماني به مكاني نامعلوم مي گذشت و خانواده او با  وجود تلاش هاي بسياري موفق به كسب خبر از وی نشده بودند كه امروز به طور غير رسمي دادسراي انقلاب خبر اعدام او را به خانواده اش اعلام كرد. 

فردي از زندان با « كميته دانشجوئي دفاع از زندانيان سياسي » تماس گرفته و اعلام مي دارد که حجت زماني را بر چوبه دار ديده است. ضمن آنكه «حاج كاظم» رئيس زندان رجائي شهر به زندانيان سياسي گفته بود:« او را اعدام كرده ايم و به كسي هم مربوط نيست.»

رژيم جمهوري اسلامي حجت زماني مبارز سياسي را در آستانه عاشورا اعدام كرد تا جو رعب و وحشت و نگراني را در دل زندانيان سياسي و مدافعان آزادي، دمكراسي و حقوق بشر ايجاد كند. آنها با اين اقدام غير انساني و ناجوانمردانه صحراي كربلا را به تصوير مي كشند. 
Iran hangs armed opposition member

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 -
LONDON, February 22 (IranMania) - Iran has hanged a member of an outlawed armed opposition group for killing three persons in a bombing in 1998, the justice minister said, AFP reported.

Jamal Karimi-Rad told reporters that Hojat Zamani, executed on February 7, was a "terrorist who had killed three and injured 22 in a bombing in a Tehran revolutionary court".

He described Zamani as a "hypocrite", the name used by the Islamic Republic for its main armed opposition group, the People's Mujahedeen (MKO).

The execution brings to 20 the number of people executed in Iran this year, according to an AFP tally based on press reports and witnesses. At least 81 people were executed in Iran in 2005.

Amnesty International says at least 159 people were executed in Iran in 2004.

Capital offences in Iran include murder, rape, armed robbery, apostasy, blasphemy, serious drug trafficking, repeated sodomy, adultery or prostitution, treason and espionage.

Courtesy of: IranMania

Several more Iranians executed

February 19, 2006

The theocratic regime has increased the wave of repression and executions in order to boost the existing fear among Iranians.

Two more Iranians have been executed by the Islamic republic regime in the southern City of Dezfool. These two new victims, named Ali B. and Eidi A., were accused of "kidnapping" and "rape".

Two other, named Ayat Kh. and Mehdi A., were also executed on Friday in the City of Shiraz for "Murder".

Also, various reports are stating about the execution, earlier this week, of another political figure named Hojat Zamani. The latter, whom his body has not been restituted to his family, was arrested five years ago on charge of "armed attack", "bombing" and "murder".

In reality many of these victims are exasperated young Iranians who had stood up against the Islamic regime's use of brutality and had resorted to violence as the last option to end the collective misery.

The Islamic republic regime is known for using false labels, such as, "Kidnapping", "Armed Robbery", "Murder", "Drug Trafficking", 'Rape', "Spying" or "Banditism" in order to qualify some of its exasperated opponents. Such policy helps its European, Asian and S. American partners to justify the continuation of their economic relations with a repressive regime vis-à-vis their public opinions.

Courtesy of: SMCCDI



