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Hanging (Execution) January, February, March 2014

IRI is the winner of the most execution in less than a year months

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Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs 16 in reprisal for Pakistan border killings

22 March 2014| last updated at 10:03PM

Islamic Republic (Iran) said it executed 16 "rebels" Saturday in reprisal after gunmen killed at least 14 border guards near the border with Pakistan, in a rugged area often rocked by violence.

The ambush happened overnight in the mountains of Sistan-Baluchestan, a province in southeastern Iran.

The province is home to a large community of minority Sunni Muslims, unlike the rest of Shiite-dominated Iran, where drug traffickers and Sunni militants operate.

"Fourteen border guards were killed during armed clashes in the region of Saravan, and five others were wounded," the official IRNA news agency said, citing what it called an informed source.

The unnamed source identified the gunmen as "bandits or rebels opposed to the Islamic republic".

But Deputy Interior Minister Ali Abdollahi said the guards were killed in an ambush set by Iranians who were "members of hostile groups".

"Three soldiers have been taken hostage and taken to the other side of the border in Pakistan," he said, adding Iran would "take measures to secure their release".

In retaliation for the attack, the Iranian authorities said they hanged 16 "rebels" held at a prison in the region.

"Sixteen rebels linked to groups hostile to the regime were hanged this morning in the prison of Zahedan in response to the death of border guards in Saravan," Mohammad Marzieh, attorney general of Sistan-Baluchestan, was quoted as saying by Fars news agency.

Abdollah said "we warned the rebel groups that any attack targeting civilians or members of the security forces would not go unanswered".

He also called on the Pakistani government to "take measures to control the border more seriously".

The region has seen bloody clashes during the past few years.

Officials say more than 4,000 police officers and soldiers have been killed there in three decades of fighting with drug traffickers.

Islamic Republic (Iran) is a major transit route for drugs that originate in Afghanistan and are trafficked across its territory, much of them bound for Western countries.

People smugglers also use the route to traffick illegal immigrants to Europe, via Iran and Turkey.

Officials say Iran has spent millions of dollars to build a "wall" along lengthy stretches of its 1,700-kilometre (1,050-mile) eastern border with Afghanistan and Pakistan in a bid to stop the trafficking.

Work on the barrier began in the 1990s and is expected to be completed before the end of next year.

The Islamic republic says it is fighting a deadly war against drug traffickers who make up half of its prison population.

But Sunni militant group Jundallah (Soldiers of God) has also launched attacks on civilians and officials in Sistan-Baluchestan, including a December 2010 suicide bombing in the city of Shabahar that killed 39 people.

The Iranian authorities hanged 11 suspected members of Jundallah at Zahedan prison in December 2010 in response to the deadly bombing of the Shiite mourning procession in Shabahar.

Jundallah, whose leader Abdolmalek Rigi was hanged in June 2010, has been waging a deadly insurgency in southeastern Iran for almost a decade.

The group says it is fighting for the rights of the ethnic Sunni Baluchis who make up a significant part of the province's population.

Courtesy of the Respected site

کتک خوردن جلاد از جوان محکوم به اعدام در کرج

26th February, 2014

تماشای صحنه اعدام را به کسی سفارش نمی کنند، به ويژه به کودکان و جواناد.ديدن اين فيلم را به هيچ کس توصيه نميکنم.

مردم در تاريکی شب در پای چوبه داری در کرج گرد آمده اند تا اعدام جوانی راتماشا کنند. هيچکس اعتراضی به اين کار ندارد. انگار همه برای تماشای اين نا بخردی آمادگی دارند و بليط خريده اند. يکی در آخر فيلم می گويد من از تهران آمده ام. انگار لازم بود برای تماشا بيايد.

صحنه ای که در اين اعدام با اعدام های ديگر متفاوت است درخواست جوان اعدامی است. او درخواست دارد تا مادرش را پيش از مرگ ببيند. طلب بخشش می کند.

کسی به حرف او اعتنایی ندارد. اعتراض بالا میگيرد و جوان مامور اعدام را با لگد به سينه او به پايين سکو پرتاب می کند. اعتراض علنی به اين جنايت و مقاومت محکوم بدر مقابل اعدام نابخردانه و نا جوانمردانه و جنگ و نبرد او با انسان کش ها در آخرين لحظه های زندگيش است. تا بحال در هيچ اعدام مشابهی در رژيم اسلامی ديده نشده است.

گرچه مردم با پرتاب شدن مامور يا شخصی که هجوم می آورد تا اورا به اعدام بکشاند به پايي سکو سوت می کشند و اعدامی را تشويق می کنند ولی اين همراهی ادامه ندارد انگاه هم منتظرند او به بالای دار کشيده شود. برای بار نخست تنها محکوم به اعدام است که در بدترين لحظه زندگی خود از خود دفاع ميکند.

درخواست نا مشروعی ندارد، او تنها ميخواهد در لحظه آخر عمرش از مادرش خدا حافظی کند. ولی عوامل وماموران دژخيمان اسلامي اين اجازه را نميدهند.

اگر حقوق بشر مد نظر است اين فيلم نشانه کامل توحش در رژيم اسلامی است. اگر يک حيوان را بايست سر ببرند حد اقل در آخرين لحظه عمرش علف يا آب به او می نوشانند تا در آرامش باشد ولی اين دژ خويان از درخواست ديدار مادر با فرزند اعدامی اش سر باز می زنند، يک نظام و يک رژيم مذهب مبنتی بر جنايت را به شنيع ترين وضعی نمايان می کند.

حتا خبرنگاری که برای تهيه گزارش آمده است از دليل اعدام خبر ندارد. لباس ماموران اعدام هم مطابق ديگر اعدام ها نيست. هيچکس نميداند چرا امروز او را اعدام کردند. خبرنگار در پايان ويدئو از سوی مردم مورد پرسش قرار می گيرد ولی اظهار بی اطلاعی می کند.

اين صحنه جنايت است نه صحنه اجرای حکم عدالت. جوانی که جرمش مشخص نيست توسط افرادی که غير نظامی هستند و از هر طرف هجوم می آورند و اعدامی را در آخرين لحظه عمرش کتک هم می زنند به زور به طناب دار آويزان می شود. پس از اين جنايت گروهی از ميان جمعيت، فرياد الله اکبر سر ميدهند و تعدادی آنرا تکرار ميکنند. نه میدانند چرا برای تماشا آمده اند و نه ميدانند معنی «الله اکبر چيست» و نه میدانند برای چه همانند بزغاله آنرا تکرار میکنند. اين کار دراماتيک ترين لحظه اين ويديو است. نمونه ای از بی اعتقادی و بی اعتنایی و بی سوادی مردم را به نمايش می گذارد. درحاليکه نمی دانند همين بی اعتنایی و بی صفتی مهر تاييد به جنايت رژيم خون آشامی می زند که 35 سال است بی امان آدم کشی می کند. اعتراض علنی محکوم به اعدام هست ولی بی اعتنایی مردم در پای چوبه دار با بی درايتی و نابخردی ثبت خواهد شد.

اعدامی به منظور ديدار آخرش با مادر، با پايش صندلي را پرت ميکند، در يک لحظه با پايش مزدوری که اورا کتک ميزند را از خود دور میکند و لحظاتی صحنه را در دست دارد، ولی مردم از پائين، گرچه او را تشويق ميکنند و چند ثانيه کنترل از دست مزدوران خارج ميشود اورا همراهی نمی کنند. اين امر به کسانی در پای چوبه دار جرات میدهد تابا مشت ولگد وحشيانه به جان فرد محکوم به اعدام بيافتند. آيا داد به داد بيداد رسيده است يا فرداد بيدادگری به آن سوی سکوی اعدام هم نرسيده است.

تا کی؟؟

نگاه کنيد.

15 prisoners are hanged in Chabahar prison

10th February, 2014

HRANA News Agency – The judiciary of Sistan province has executed 15 prisoners, on charge of drug smuggling, in Chabahar prison.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Habibollah Sarbazi, the reporter and TV producer told to HRANA’s reporter: “Khosro Barahouyi was a citizen of Loutak village of Zabol, two others were two brothers from Rigi tribe, and two others who were also brothers were from Mir tribe.”

He added: “6 family members of Khosro Barahouyi died in a road accident due to slippery road when they were returning from the last prison visit.”


Sarbazi continued: “Mr. Khosro Barahouyi was in Qatar at the time of Tasoua bombing and was arrested when he came back to Iran.”

Habibollah Sarbazi made this comment about the executions that 15 people were executed and all by hanging in Chabahar prison. For some of them, announced charges were related to Chabahar Tasoua bombing attack, and for the others, drug smuggling.

Need to be mentioned later four people were executed on charge of the bombing attack, while there is no document from the charges of these 15.

This source mentioned the probability of retaliatory execution, considering the recent Jaish-Al-Adl actions.

There is no detail available about these executions.
Courtesy of the Respected site

دو زندانی ایرانی 'اعدام شده‌اند' /h1>

18:59 گرينويچ - چهارشنبه 29 ژانويه 2014 - 09 بهمن 1392

فعالان عرب ایرانی و مدافعان حقوق بشر می‌گویند که مأموران امنیتی به اعضای خانواده هادی راشدی و هاشم شعبانی، دو زندانی عرب اهوازی که از مدتی پیش خبری از آنها در دست نبود، گفته‌اند که این دو زندانی اعدام شده‌اند.

جزئیات زمان دقیق اعدام این دو نفر و محل دفن آنها منتشر نشده است.

سیزده گروه فعال در زمینه حقوق بشر ایران هفته گذشته با صدور بیانیه ای از سرنوشت مبهم آقای شعبانی و آقای راشدی ابراز نگرانی کرده بودند.

در این بیانیه آمده بود که این دو نفر از روز ۱۶ آذر ۱۳۹۲ از زندان کارون به مکان نامعلومی منتقل شده اند.

آقای شعبانی و آقای راشدی ساکن رامشیر و آموزگار بودند.

آنها به همراه محمد علی عموری نژاد، جابر آلبوشوکه و مختار آلبوشوکه به اتهام محاربه با خدا، افساد فی الارض، تبلیغ علیه نظام و اقدام علیه امنیت ملی در شعبه دوم دادگاه انقلاب اهواز به اعدام محکوم شده بودند.

فعالان حقوق اقلیت ها و حقوق بشر می گویند که این دو از بنیانگذاران یک سازمان فرهنگی به نام "الحوار" (گفت و گو) بودند که در سال ۲۰۱۰ تاسیس شد.

به گفته این فعالان، چندین عرب ایرانی دیگر هم در سال های اخیر بدون اطلاع خانواده یا وکلایشان اعدام شده اند.

کاترین اشتون مسئول سیاست خارجی اتحادیه اروپا چندی قبل خواستار توقف اعدام فعالان عرب ایران شده بود.

Courtesy of the Respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran): Two Ahwazi activists, Hadi Rashedi and Hashem Shabani, have been executed

January 29, 2014

Iran Human Rights, January 29, 2014: Hadi Rashedi and Hashem Shabani have been executed.

According to sources Iran Human Rights (IHR) has been in contact with the two Ahwazi Arab activists Hadi Rashedi and Hashem Shabani have been executed.

Iranian intelligence ministry offcials have informed the families of the prisoners that the executions were carried out four days ago.

However, Ahwazi activists believe that Hadi Rashedi and Hashem Shabani were executed immediately after their transfer from the Karoun prison of Ahwaz.

Iran Human Rights (IHR) strongly condemns execution of Ahwazi Arab activists. Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, the spokesperson of IHR said: the leadership of the Iranian authorities must be held accountable for the unlawful executions of the Ahwazi Arab activists. We once again urge the United Nations to send an independent fact finding mission to Iran to investigate these executions”.

On January 20, 2014, 13 human rights NGOs issued a statement calling to stop execution of Ahwazi Arab activists.

Source: Iran Human Rights, January 29, 2014

Courtesy of the Respected site

Islamic Republic (Iran) hangs 40 people in two weeks amid surge in executions

16 January 2014 21:54

Islamic Republic (Iran) carried out a total of 40 executions since the beginning of 2014, with at least 33 carried out in the past week alone, said Amnesty International today.

“The spike in the number of executions carried out so far this month in Iran is alarming. The Iranian authorities’ attempts to change their international image are meaningless if at the same time executions continue to increase”, said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

The death penalty is a violation of every human being’s right to life and is a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment.

“The Iranian authorities must urgently take steps to abolish the death penalty, which has been shown again and again not to have any special deterrent effect on crime,” Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui said.

Since the beginning of 2014, Amnesty International has recorded 21 executions which were officially acknowledged by the Iranian authorities, as well as 19 additional executions reported through reliable sources.

In the week since 9 January 2014 more officially acknowledged executions were carried out in Iran than during the whole month of January 2013.

At least one public execution was carried out on 13 January 2014 in Sirjan, Kerman Province, southern Iran, of an individual convicted of murder.

Public executions in Iran are usually carried out using cranes which lift the condemned person by a noose around the neck in front of a crowd of spectators.

The organization is calling on the Iranian authorities to immediately adopt an official moratorium on all executions and commute all death sentences. The Iranian authorities must also end all secrecy surrounding their use of the death penalty.

Most of those executed in Iran had been convicted of alleged drug-related offences. Under international standards, non-lethal crimes such as drugs offences do not meet the threshold of “most serious crimes” to which the death penalty must be restricted. There is also no right to a meaningful appeal for drugs offences under Iran’s Anti-Narcotics Law, contrary to its international obligations to ensure that anyone convicted of a criminal offence has the right to appeal the conviction.

“In Iran drug-related offences are tried in Revolutionary Courts which routinely fall far short of international fair trial standards. The reality in Iran is that people are being ruthlessly sentenced to death after unfair trials, and this is unacceptable,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui.

Revolutionary Court trials are frequently held behind closed doors and judges have the discretion to restrict lawyers’ access to the defendant during pre-trial investigations in limited cases.

Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception.
Courtesy of the Respected site

Six Prisoners Were Executed in Three Islamic Republic (Iran) Towns

12 January 2014 | last updated at 05:54 AM

Islamic Republic (Iran) January 9: Six prisoners have been executed in three different Iranian towns, reported the Iranian media.


According to the state run Iranian news agency Fars, three prisoners were hanged in the prison of Qazvin (west of Tehran). The prisoners were convicted of drug related charges and the executions were carried out on Tuesday January 7, said the report. None of the prisoners were identified by name in the report.

On Tuesday 7. January, another prisoner was hanged in the prison of Gachsaran (western Iran), reported Aryanews. The prisoner who was identified as R. Sh., was charged with murder.

Two prisoners were hanged in the prison of Mashhad (northeastern Iran) on Tuesday 7. and Wednesday 8. January. The news site “Mashhad Payam” reported that a 32 year old man identified as “H.” was hanged in the prison of Mashhad, convicted of a murder allegedely committed when he was 24 year old. The execution was carried out on January 8. Another man who also was convicted of murder, was hanged in the prison of Mashhad on Wednesday January 8, reported Khorasannews. This man was identified as “M.” and was 55 years old.
Courtesy of the Respected site