

Here were crime started 

World watched, USA approved, Khomeini killed, Khatami smiled, Khameni ordered in cold blood

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When Knife Cuts its handle
Crime & Koran
Fore Word
Are We Ambitious
Khomeini's mausoleum

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Dialogue of civilization continues.

An ancient land occupied by Arab-Strangers

Active Crime of Mullahs

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Terror, Terror

Blood Thirsty Mullahs are at work since 1970

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Following 1979 "Mass Mess" and arrival of Khomeini in Paris, demonstrations attacked to governmental and public buildings, tanks and weapons were captured from solders of "Shah" who never received killing order against angry mobs and demonstrators. Mobs, including communists, Mojahedin Khalgh, some members of National Party, influenced by British Broadcasting Corporation damaged, destroyed and demolished everything until Shah left Iran.

Such organized demonstrations and rallies which were supplied by food and water using motorcycle have never seen in the history.

Money was funneled from United States and Brits to support the agenda.

When knife cuts...
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