Holy Crime, crime of clergy, clergical crime, Ecclesiastical crime, spritual,purity, inocent, Iran, Iranian, Persia, Persian Culture, Art, History Land and People, Poetry, religion, Organizations and directories,Daneshjoo, Nothing but Iran

World will never forget this laughing..

When time comes those who helped criminals to kill more should face world tribunal.

Holy Crime, crime of clergy, Ecclesiastical crime,
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When Knife Cuts its handle
Crime & Koran
Fore Word
Are We Ambitious
Khomeini's mausoleum

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Dialogue of civilization continues.

An ancient land occupied by Arab-Strangers

Active Crime of Mullahs

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Terror, Terror

Blood Thirsty Mullahs are at work since 1970

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Their crime! Serving the Homeland


Executed Early 1979.

Alavi School used to interrogate and execute most previous regime's officers, ministers, etc.

They are killed with no chance to trial.

 When knife cuts...
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