Holy Crime, crime of clergy, clergical crime, Ecclesiastical crime,
spritual,purity, inocent, Iran, Iranian, Persia, Persian Culture, Art, History
Land and People, Poetry, religion, Organizations and directories,Daneshjoo,
Nothing but Iran
Public properties were
Dr. Gholamreza
Kiyanpour Dr. as profession (Top) Gen. Hassan
Pakravan Ambassador - Philosopher
Holy Crime, crime of clergy, Ecclesiastical crime,
Hassan Pakravan, a man of dignity,
compatriot, author, philosopher, Army officer, ambassador to Pakistan and
France. Last job Press Attaché of Imperial family. He was a true "human".
He never lied to his people, he was a true loyal.
Late General Hassan Pakravan, Hassan Pakravan, son of
Fathollah and Emineh, was born in Tehran on 4 August 1911 (13
Mordad 1290). His father held many high government posts,
including governor of Khoraasaan and ambassador to Italy. His
mother, partly of European descent, was a professor at the
University of Tehran.
She was awarded the prestigious French Prix Rivarol, which the
French government gives to foreign authors who write directly in
As a child, Pakravan accompanied his parents to Cairo, where his
father was appointed diplomatic agent. There, he received his
primary education at the Lyceé Français. He was then sent to
Liége, Belgium where he attended high school and university.
Pakravan then studied at the artillery school in Poitiers,
France, and the Ecole d’Application d’Artillerie in
Fontainebleau. Pakravan began his career at the Tehran Military
Academy, where he taught artillery. He then served in a number
of military, political, and diplomatic posts including adjutant
in the Intelligence Department of the Second Division, military
attaché in Pakistan (1949-50), chief of army intelligence
(1951-53), military attaché in India (1954-57), deputy chief of
the State Intelligence and Security Organization in charge of
external affairs (1957-61), deputy prime minister and chief of
the State Intelligence and Security Organization (1961-65),
minister of information (1965-66), ambassador to Pakistan
(1966-69), ambassador to France (1968-73), and senior counselor
to the
Ministry of Court (1974-79).
Pakravan was known for being a compassionate director of SAVAK.
However, Muhammad Reza Shah replaced Pakravan with his childhood
friend Late general Nematollah Nassiri in 1965. Pakravan was
named Minister of Information, then Ambassador, first to
Pakistan and then France. He returned to Iran in 1974 he was
brought out of retirement in 1978 by the Shah in an effort
to bring transparency and accountability to the Royal Court.
After the Iranian Revolution, Pakravan, was among the first
of the Shah's officials to be executed. It is
well-documented fact (confirmed by many Iranian officials,
including the late Shah, in his memoirs) that Pakravan was a
key in convincing the Shah to commute a death sentence
passed on Khomeini in 1963 for his role in the 1963 riots
into exile. Khomeini was first sent to Turkey, and then to
Iraq, where he stayed until his expulsion to France in 1978
Pakravan was a close friend of Prime Minister Amir Abbaas
Hoveyda. Both were fluent in French and enjoyed reading
French literature. Like many Pakravan and Hoveyda were
brutally killed for serving their king and country.
General Hassan Pakravan was a true Officer and a Gentleman! He was a
well educated officer who had a true humanitarian sense.
During his watch at SAVAK, the first Khomeni uprising occurred. Khomeni was
arrested. Because he was revolting against nation's national
security, in accord of law following a fair trial he was to be
It was this fine gentle hearted officer who saved Khomeni's life by
pleading his life with the late Shah another soft heart. He
spent hours of hours in prison, sometimes taking food for
Khomeini talking to him out of revenge that Khomeini was
determined to take against country's security. Khomeini did not
want to change. With help of General Pakravan Khomeini has been
given Ayatollah rank, exiled him to Turkey, then he moved to
Iraq. General Pakravan's good deed did not get unnoticed!
He was among the first group Khomeni personally ordered his execution! He was
about 70 years old. Brought to firing squad by a wheel chair at the time of his execution!
That is why we say, the only good fanatic is a dead fanatic!
How many people would have been saved if SAVAK was only as everyone claimed it was!
His good name will live in free Iran again!
سرلشگر (ژنرال) حسن پاکروان يک افسر نمونه بود و يک انسان به تمام معنا. او
از يکی از آکادمی های نظامی فرانسه (سن سير) فارغ التحصيل شده بود. او
بسيار علم آموخته و يک بشر دوست به تمام معنی بود. برای مدت بسيار کوتاهی
در راس ساواک قرار داشت.
بر اثر
تلاش اين مرد بود که جان خمينی حفظ شدو شاه مهربان درخواست مرد پاکدل و
پاکروان ديگری را برای بخشش پذيرفت. پاکروان ساعت ها در زندان با خمينی به
صحبت نشست بلکه او را از کينه و عداوتی که نسبت به امنيت ملی ايران داشت
منصرف کند. ولی خمينی به راه نيامد. با پيشنهاد پاکروان خمينی به مقام آيت
اللهی ارتقاء يافت و به ترکيه تبعيد شد بعد به عراق رفت. ولی هرگز پاکدلی و
مهر تيمسار پاکروان در نظر ها ديده نشد.
او از
جمله افرادی بود که خمينی دستور اعدامش را داده بود! او وقتی در صندلی
چرخدار به جوخه اعدام آورده شد 80 سال داشت.
به همين
دليل میگويند؛ يک متعصب مذهبی وقتی خوب است که مرده باشد!
اگر اين
ساواکی است که بعضی ها ادعا می کنند چند نفر می توانستند از مرگ نجات پيدا
نام نيک
اين مرد هرگز از تاريخ و خاطره ها پاک نخواهد شد.
Dr. Kianpour, who was executed in May
1979 was the former Governor General of Isfahan Province, later Minister
of Information and Tourism and became Minister of Justice in the cabinet
of Amouzegar. He was a brave man and one of the best civil servants before
the revolution.
غلامرضا کیانپور، فرماندار استان اصفهان و سپس وزیر اطلاعات و جهانگردی و دادگستری در کابینه آقای اميرعباس هویدا و جمشید آموزگار در دوران سلطنت محمدرضا شاه پهلوی بود. وی در ۱۸ شهریور ۱۳۵۸ در زندان قصر با حکم صادق خلخالی اعدام شد.